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These are the stats for the set in Diablo II Expansion Pack: Lord of Destruction, where there are partial set bonuses and hidden item bonuses.
These are the stats for the set in Diablo II Expansion Pack: Lord of Destruction, where there are partial set bonuses and hidden item bonuses.
{{Set Item Notes}}
* The odds of gambling set items are 1 in 1000.
{{Weapon Notes}}
* Items with Rarity are expressed as a chance out of 1000. Eg 78/1000 would mean that out of every 1000 set items of that base item that drop, 78 of them will be this particular one. This is important for rings and amulets and several other items.
* Item Level: Used in many in-game calculations. Monsters must be of this level to drop the item. All items in Civerb's Vestments have an Item Level of 13
* Clvl req is the character level you need to be to be able to wear the item. All items in Civerb's Vestments have a Clvl Req of 9.
* Hidden Bonuses usually work in conjunction with other items. For example, if you are wearing a set helm that has a listed hidden bonus as "Wearing 2 Items: +15 Str", it means that if you wear the helm with any other item in the set, the helm will show an additional bonus of +15 Str in green text. These bonuses apply to the individual item only, but most sets will have several items with these properties, so you can quickly find that simply wearing 3 items from a 4 item set will give you several additional magical bonuses. The bonuses stack together, so if you have an item that has bonuses for wearing both 2 and 3 items, if you are wearing 3 items you will receive the bonus for wearing 2 items as well.
=Weapon Notes=
{{Armor Notes}}
* Damage Bonus: This determines how you multiply the item damage by your stats to reach the actual damage. Multiply by the listed value per 100 points in that stat (eg if you have 200 points, multiply by 2). All bows are 100 Dex, almost all melee weapons are 100 Str, most throwing weapons are 75/75.
* Weapon Speed: A relative comparison to other weapons of the same type. 0 is the base -10, -20, etc is faster, 10, 20, etc is slower.
* Range: Melee only. From 1 (least) to 5 (most) in D2X. Numbers are fixed across item classes: a 3 javelin = a 3 sword = a 3 hammer, etc.
=Shield Notes=
* Shield Blocking information can be found in the shields section.
* Smite damage is for the Paladin only.
* Weight: All shields are light, medium, or heavy. Light Shields cause no stamina or speed penalties, medium shields cause a 5% stamina drain and speed penalty and heavy shields cause a 10% stamina drain and speed penalty.
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Revision as of 07:01, 18 February 2009

Diablo II Items [e]
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General Notes

Civerb's Vestments is designed for Paladins, but the damage isn't enough for a melee pal, and there aren't enough skill bonuses for any other type of Paladin. No Smite damage either, and not even a very good blocking percentage, so there's really not much going for this one, other than the amulet.

These are the stats for the set in Diablo II Expansion Pack: Lord of Destruction, where there are partial set bonuses and hidden item bonuses.

  • Item level (ilvl): Used in many in-game calculations. Monsters must be of this level to drop the item.
  • Character level (clvl): The character level you need to be to be able to wear or equip the item.
  • Hidden bonuses stack together. For instance, if an item has a bonus for two items and a bonus for three items, and three items are worn, both the bonus for two items and for three items will become active.
  • It is possible to gamble Set and Unique items in v1.09+. The odds are roughly 1/1000 for Set items and 1/2000 for Unique items.
  • Items with Rarity are expressed as a chance out of 1000. IE 78/1000 would mean that out of every 1000 set items of that base item that drop, 78 of them will be this particular one.

Weapon Notes

  • Damage Bonus: This determines how you multiply the item damage by your stats to reach the actual damage. Multiply by the listed value per 100 points in that stat. All bows are 100 Dex, almost all melee weapons are 100 Str, most throwing weapons are 50/50.
  • Weapon Speed: A relative comparison to other weapons of the same type. 0 is the base -10, -20, etc is faster, 10, 20, etc is slower, always in increments of 10. Each 10 is equivalent to an SIAS item. Previously items were listed with WSM modified by IAS on the items, we have revised this to show the Weapons base speed (WSM) before ANY IAS.
  • Range: Relevant to melee weapons only. From 1 (least) to 5 (most) in D2X. Numbers are fixed across item classes: a 3 javelin = a 3 sword = a 3 hammer, etc.

Armor Notes


Item Item Name Attributes Hidden Bonuses
Civerbs cudgel.gif Civerb's Cudgel
Grand Scepter
8-(44-50)* 1H Damage
60 Durability
37 Str Required
-10 Weapon Speed
Range: 2
Damage Bonus: 100 Str
150% Damage to Undead
+75 to Attack Rating
+17-23 Max Damage
+1 Max Damage per Clvl
Civerbs ward-x.gif Civerb's Ward
Large Shield
27-29 Defense
24 Durability
34 Str Required
47% Block Chance
2-4 Smite Damage
Weight: Medium
+15 Defense
+15% Block Chance
Wearing Civerb's Icon: +21-22 Mana
Wearing Civerb's Cudgel: +25-26% Poison Resist
Civerbs icon.gif Civerb's Icon
Rarity: 155.5/1000
Replenish Life +4
Regenerate Mana 40%
Wearing 2 Items: +25% Cold Resist
Wearing 3 Items: +25 Defense

* The maximum damage for this scepter increases at a rate of 1 damage per Clvl. 8-(44-50) is listed here, as by the time you can wear this scepter (Clvl 9), that is how much damage you will deal. It will increase at a rate of 1 per Clvl on top of this value. The values in brackets means that you will be able to find a scepter that does 8-44 damage, 8-45, 8-46 etc, up to 8-50 at Clvl 9.

Set Bonuses

Designed for Paladin use, it has some decent bonuses, including a very large damage bonus to the Undead, with a blunt weapon (+50%) and then +200% more, and +strength, which boosts weapon damage as well. But even with those bonuses, one decent weapon of similar level would do a lot more. This set when complete also gives a modest bonus of +25-26% Poison Resistance, +25% Cold Resistance and +25% Lightning Resistance.

Set Attributes/Bonus Item Slots Used Item Slots Free
Partial Bonus:
Wearing two items: +15% Fire Resistance

Full Set Bonus:
200% Damage Against Undead
+15 to Strength
+25% Lightning Resist
One-handed Weapon

Diablo II

These are the stats for the set in Diablo II, where there are no partial set bonuses or hidden item bonuses.

Item Item Name Attributes Commentary
Civerbs cudgel.gif Civerb's Cudgel
Grand Scepter
6-28 1H Damage
120 Durability
37 Str Required
Swing Speed: Pal - Fast
150% Damage to Undead
Required Level: 9
+75 to Attack Rating
+17-23 Max Damage (varies)
Not enough damage for melee, no skill bonuses for Hammerdins or others.
Civerbs ward.gif Civerb's Ward
Large Shield
27-29 Defense
48 Durability
34 Str Required
 % Chance to Block:
Pal: 57%
Bar/Ama: 52%
Nec/Sor: 47%
Pal Smite Damage: 2-4
Clvl 9 Required
+15 Defense
Increased Blocking %
Not much that you look for in a shield. Low Smite damage, no resistances, and not a big blocking percentage.
Civerbs icon.gif Civerb's Icon'
Required Level: 9
Replenish Life +4
Regenerate Mana 40%
The best item in the set by far. This one can be quite useful for a low or mid level spell-caster, healing a little bit and helping a lot on mana regeneration.

Set Bonuses

Designed for Paladin use, it has some decent bonuses, including a very large damage bonus to the Undead, with a blunt weapon (150%) and then +200% more, and +strength, which boosts weapon damage as well. But even with those bonuses, one decent weapon of similar level would do a lot more. There is a mana regen bonus as well, but this set does a little of everything but not enough of any one thing to be useful for specializing.

Set Attributes/Bonus Item Slots Used Item Slots Free
+75 attack rating
+17-25 max damage
+4 Replenish Life
+40% Mana Regeneration
Increased Chance of Blocking
+15 Defense
Full Set Bonus:
200% Damage to Undead
+15 to Strength
One-handed Weapon