Black Mushroom

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The Black Mushroom is about the most complicated "FedEx" type quest in Diablo, (which isn't saying much, ten years later) but it has a nice reward and one of the best catch lines in the game.

The Black Mushroom

  • Quest Name: The Black Mushroom
  • Triggered By: Finding the Fungal Tome
  • Frequency: Single player only, found in 2/3 of games.
  • Given by: Adria.
  • Location: Dungeon Level 9
  • Reward: Spectral Elixir (+3 to all attributes).

Once you find it, go to town and talk to Adria. She will tell you that in order to make use of it, she will need a Black Mushroom. Return to the caves and search for a patch of mushrooms within. Take the Black Mushroom and return to Adria with it. She will say that she now needs an elixir from Pepin. Ask Pepin for the elixir, and he will say that he will need a demon's brain to create such an elixir. Return to the caves and kill any demon. His brain will pop out. Grab it and return to Pepin for the elixir. Go back to Adria with the elixir, and she will say that she does not need it any more. Drink the elixir to raise your all your base stats by three. If you don't use it right away, it will not work.

This quest requires you to perform several steps in sequence, and make several trips back to town. In order:


Spectral Elixir
+3 to all Attributes

  1. Find the Fungal Tome
  2. Take the Fungal Tome to Adria
  3. Find the Black Mushroom
  4. Return the Black Mushroom to Adria
  5. Talk to Pepin, who sends you to retrieve a Demon's Brain
  6. Kill any monster and collect the brain (first monster you kill after speaking with Pepin).
  7. Return the brain to Pepin and take the spectral elixir he gives you.
  8. Take the elixir to Adria, find out that she doesn't need it, and drink it yourself.

Strategy Tips

Keep an eye out for the mushroom patch and the Fungal Tome as you explore level 9. Each are small, dark, and easy to overlook on the mottled cave floor. You can not pick the mushroom ("Now that is a big mushroom!") and hear the catch phrase until you've found the Fungal Tome and returned it to Adria, so prepare yourself to do some walking on this one, as you must visit the witch at least twice during the course of running these errands.

If you do not drink the Spectral Elixir immediately after completing the quest, you will not be able to drink it at all.

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Hellfire Quests:

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Base Items

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Other Essentials