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Charm Affixes

Revision as of 08:53, 16 February 2010 by Chyng (talk | contribs) (+ Defense)
Diablo II Items [e]
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CharmsClass ItemsCraftedHoradric CubeRunesSet ItemsUniquesJewelsSockets
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Charms are small items that, when identified and placed in a character's inventory, provide a steady, passive benefit. Charms boost things like resistance, hit points, hit recovery time, damage, accuracy, magic find, and grand charms can even give +1 to entire skill trees. Charms are only magical, or unique. There are no rare, set, or crafted charms.

How much inventory space a player devotes to their charms depends on their goals. PVPers entirely fill their inventories with charms, since they want every bit of bonus and aren't picking up any loot. Magic finders use a lot of charms, but must save some space to retrieve their finds. Players leveling up normally use the good charms they find, and replace them as their characters grow in strength and levels.

Each of the three sizes of charm has strengths and weaknesses that are elaborated on below.

  • See the Charms Guide for much more detailed strategic discussions of the pros and cons of every type of charm prefixes and suffix, along with charm hunting tips and much more.


Small Charms

Small charms require only a 1x1 inventory space, and their small size makes them very useful to make up shortcomings in a character's equipment. Small charms are excellent ways to add hit points, resistance (especially to individual elements), and damage/attack rating. It's generally easier to find 2 small charms with better mods than 1 large charm, and 3 small charms will almost always beat out 1 grand charm. However, there are mods that can spawn on larger charms that can not be found on small charms, such as +1 to a skill tree on grands. Small charms can add more magic find than large or grand charms, per inventory space.

Magic Prefixes

These are the prefixes that can spawn on a charm. The bonuses can stack with suffixes of similar type.


(1) = level required for bonus

[1] = bonus

+ Defense

Magic Prefixes Stats Lvl
Stout +1-8 Defense (1)[1](20)[100-200]
Burly +100-200Defense (28)
Stalwart +100-200 Defense (40)

Defense bonus on charms is usually sought after by melee duelers when going against other melee characters. These bonuses are more effective when boosted by other skills; Barbarians can double these bonuses with Iron Skin, then quadruple them with Shout.

+ Base Damage

Magic Prefixes Stats Lvl
Red +1 To Minimum Damage (90)
Jagged +1 To Maximum Damage (90)

With high clvl requirements, these charms may not be attractive at first, but keep in mind that the bonus damage is added to the weapon before being modified by other skills and states.


Magic Prefixes Stats Lvl
Rugged +4-16 Max Stamina (1)[4-8](15)[9-16]

Few characters are so in need of stamina that they resort to boosting it with charms.

+ Attack Rating

Magic Prefixes Stats Lvl
Bronze +2-12 To Attack Rating (1)[2-4](15)[6-12]
Iron +13-24 To Attack Rating (31)
Steel +25-36 To Attack Rating (49)

+10-20 To Attack Rating, +1-3 To Maximum Damage


Attack Rating is seldom sought on charms, but the fact that it often occurs with damage makes for a nice double combat boost.

+ Mana

Magic Prefixes Stats Lvl
Lizard's +1-7 Mana (12)
Snake's +8-12 Mana (24)
Serpent's +13-17 Mana (40)

Pretty straightforward bonuses. Useful for sorceresses and necromancers who require more mana. Grand charms potentially provide the most mana boost per inventory space.

+ All Resistances

Magic Prefixes Stats Lvl
Shimmering All Resistances +3-5% (25)

Shimmering small charms are difficult to find, but quite useful when stacked up. It's much easier to get +9-11% to a single element from a small charm (and more useful, since some resistances are more important than others). You will more commonly find large charms with around 8% resist all, or grand charms with up to 15% resist all, than 2 or 3 small charms with equivalent bonuses.

Elemental Resistances

+ Cold Resistance

Magic Prefixes Stats Lvl
Azure Resist Cold +3-5% (1)
Lapis Resist Cold +6-7% (10)
Cobalt Resist Cold +8-9% (20)
Sapphire Resist Cold +10-11% (32)

+ Fire Resistance

Magic Prefixes Stts Lvl
Crimson Resist Fire +3-5% (1)
Russet Resist Fire +6-7% (10)
Garnet Resist Fire +8-9% (20)
Ruby Resist Fire +10-11% (32)

+ Lightning Resistance

Magic Prefixes Stats Lvl
Tangerine Resist Lightning +3-5% (1)
Ocher Resist Lightning +6-7% (10)
Coral Resist Lightning +8-9% (20)
Amber Resist Lightning +10-11% (32)

+Poison Resistance

Magic Prefixes Stats Lvl
Beryl Resist Poison +3-5% (1)
Viridian Resist Poison +6-7% (10)
Jade Resist Poison +8-9% (20)
Emerald Resist Poison +10-11% (32)

Individual resistance charms are common and quite useful. Many players use several of these to boost resistance to individual elements their other equipment doesn't cover.

+ Elemental Damage


Magic Prefixes Stats Lvl
Snowflake +1-2 Minimum and +2-4 Maximum Cold Damage - 1 Second Duration (27)
Shivering +3-4 Minimum and +5-8 Maximum Cold Damage - 1 Second Duration (42)
Boreal +5-7 Minimum and +9-14 Maximum Cold Damage - 1 Second Duration (66)
Hibernal +8-10 Minimum and +15-20 Maximum Cold Damage - 1 Second Duration (99)

At least one type of cold damage is essential for most combat characters, simply for the slowing effect being chilled has on monsters. Multiple sources of cold damage (charms, weapons, equipment, skills, etc) stack up the chill time, so several of these can be quite useful in hell, when monsters thaw out much more quickly.

  • These charms give bonuses only to physical damage, not to any cold spell.


Magic Prefixes Stats Lvl
Ember +1 Minimum and +2-3 Maximum Fire Damage (21)
Smoldering +2-3 Minimum and +4-10 Maximum Fire Damage (40)
Smoking +4-9 Minimum and +11-19 Maximum Fire Damage 64)
Flaming +10-19 Minimum and +20-29 Maximum Fire Damage (89)

Fire charms do more damage then cold charms generally, but do not slow the enemy down at the same time, so are not widely used.

  • These charms give bonuses only to physical damage, not to any fire spell.


Magic Prefixes Stats Lvl
Static +1 Minimum and +6-11 Maximum Lightning Damage (23)
Glowing +1 Minimum and +12-24 Maximum Lightning Damage (41)
Arcing +1 Minimum and +25-43 Maximum Lightning Damage (65)
Shocking +1 Minimum and +44-71 Maximum Lightning Damage (90)

Lightning charms deal the highest average damage of any of the elemental charms.

  • These charms give bonuses only to physical damage, not to any lightning spell.


Magic Prefixes Stats Lvl
Septic +6 Poison Damage Over 2 Seconds (18)
Foul +9 Poison Damage Over 2 Seconds (39)
Toxic +18 Poison Damage Over 2 Seconds (63)
Pestilent +24 Poison Damage Over 2 Seconds (88)

Poison damage bonuses are quite useful in Diablo II. Poisoned monsters do not heal, and poison damage and duration stacks between multiple items, so with several sources of poison adding up, a single hit can keep a monster from healing for quite a while. These can be very useful to deal a slow death in a PVP duel as well.

  • These charms give bonuses only to physical damage, not to any poison spell.

Magic Suffixes

+Base damage

Magic Suffixes Stats Lvl
Craftsmanship +1 To Maximum Damage (85)

This is a nice suffix that can stack on the prefixes that adds on the base damage of the weapon. It works exactly like its prefix counter-part, adding onto base weapon damage before other bonuses are applied.

+Faster hit recovery

Magic Suffixes Stats Lvl
Balance 5% Fast Hit Recovery (29)

Faster hit recovery bonus allows a player to recover faster from the stun animation, and will save you from being stunlocked inside a mob of enemies.

+Gold from monsters

Magic Suffixes Stats Lvl
Greed 5-10% More Gold (15)

The tiny bonuses from these charms make them not worth carrying, generally speaking.

+Magic find

Magic Suffixes Stats Lvl
Fortune 3-5% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items (18)
Good Luck 6-7% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items (33)

Small charms rule the magic find potential, with up to 7% per inventory space. Large charms (6%, or 3% per space) and grand charms (12%, 4% per space) can not add nearly as much magic find, and most


Magic Suffixes Stats Lvl
Life +5-10 Life (14)
Sustenance +11-15 Life (17)
Vita +16-20 Life (39)

Small charms are the best charms to add hit points. They offer the greatest potential gain per inventory space (large: 17.5 per space, grand 16.7 per space), and even though +20s are very rare, the benefits from 2 or 3 +hps small charms, with a second mod on each, will almost always outweigh the bonuses from a single large or grand +hps charm.


Magic Suffixes Stats Lvl
Strength +1-2 To Strength (5)[1](16)[2]

Strength charms are seldom used except to meet the minimum requirements of a new piece of equipment. Large charms provide the most potential str bonus per inventory space.

+Faster walk

Magic Suffixes Stats Lvl
Inertia 5% Faster Run/Walk (36)

Useful for all characters, but not generally considered essential. Some duelers load up on these charms to give their characters an unexpected and deadly speed boost.

+Elemental Damage

Magic Suffixes Stats Lvl
Blight +3 Poison Damage Over 2 Seconds (9)
Venom +6 Poison Damage Over 2 Seconds (20)
Pestilence +8 Poison Damage Over 2 Seconds (32)
Anthrax +50 Poison Damage Over 6 Seconds (44)

These mods can stack with the poison damage prefixes, giving a single small charm huge poison damage potential.

Magic Suffixes Stats Lvl
Frost +1 Minimum and +2 Maximum Cold Damage - 1 Second Duration (14)
Icicle +2 Minimum and +3-4 Maximum Cold Damage - 1 Second Duration (21)
Glacier +3 Minimum and +5-6 Maximum Cold Damage - 1 Second Duration (33)
Winter +4-5 Minimum and +7-9 Maximum Cold Damage - 1 Second Duration (46)

Most useful for the chill effect and duration, rather than their damage.

Magic Suffixes Stats Lvl
Flame +1 Minimum and +2 Maximum Fire Damage (11)
Fire +2 Minimum and +3-4 Maximum Fire Damage (20)
Burning +3-4 Minimum and +5-8 Maximum Fire Damage (32)
Incineration +5-7 Minimum and +9-13 Maximum Fire Damage (45)

Among the least sought-after charm bonuses.

Magic Suffixes Stats Lvl
Shock +1 Minimum and +3-6 Maximum Lightning Damage (12)
Lightning +1 Minimum and +7-10 Maximum Lightning Damage (21)
Thunder +1 Minimum and +11-18 Maximum Lightning Damage (33)
Storms +1 Minimum and +19-28 Maximum Lightning Damage (45)

Lightning damage can potentially be the largest elemental damage found on a charm, but it's still not large enough for many players to collect them.

Large Charms

Large charms require 2x1 inventory spaces, and are generally less useful than small or grand charms. They can't achieve the highest level mods on grands (such as +1 to a skill tree), but aren't often twice as good as small charms (which they need to be since they take up twice the space).

  • The fact that medium sized charms are called "large" is taken as a sure sign that Diablo II was designed by men.

Magic Prefixes


Magic Prefixes Stats Available On
Stout +2-12 Defense Large Charms(1)[2-3](14)[4-6](20)[8-12]
Burly +13-30 Defense Large Charms(26)[13-18](32)[20-30]
Stalwart +30-60 Defense Large Charms(38)[30-40](45)[45-60]

+ Base Damage

Magic Prefixes Stats Available on
Red +1 To Minimum Damage Large Charms(30)
Sanguinary +2 To Minimum Damage Large Charms(60)
Jagged +1 To Maximum Damage Large Charms(33)
Forked +2 To Maximum Damage Large Charms(52)


Magic Prefixes Stats Available on
Rugged +8-32 Maximum Stamina Large Charms(1)[8-16](7)[17-25](21)[26-32]

+Attack rating

Magic Prefixes Stats Available on
Bronze +4-25 To Attack Rating Large Charms(1)[4-8](7)[6-12](16)[13-25]
Iron +39-51 To Attack Rating Large Charms(25)[26-38](34)[39-51]
Steel +52-64 To Attack Rating Large Charms(43)[52-64](52)[65-77]
Fine +10-20 To Attack Rating +1-3 To Maximum Damage Large Charms(19)
Sharp +21-48 To Attack Rating +4-6 To Maximum Damage Large Charms(28)

+Magic Find

Magic Prefixes Stats Available on
Lucky 1-6% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items Large Charms(34)[1](53)[2-3](51)[4-6]

Large charms are not very useful for magic find, with just 3% per inventory space at most. Small charms can go up to 7% per inventory space.


Magic Prefixes Stats Available on
Lizard's +2-12 Mana Large Charms(1)[2-4](9)[5-7](17)[8-12]
Snake's +13-23 Mana Large Charms(23)[13-18](33)[19-23]
Serpent's +24-34 Mana Large Charms(41)[24-29](49)[30-34]

Grand charms are a better bet for adding substantial mana bonuses from charms, with up to 60, or 20 per inventory space.

+ All resist

Magic Prefixes Stats Available on
Shimmering All Resistances +3-8% Large Charms(17)[3-5](34)[6-8]

+Elemental resist

Magic Prefixes Stats Available on
Azure Cold Resist +4-7% Large Charms(1)
Lapis Cold Resist +8-10% Large Charms(16)
Cobalt Cold Resist +11-12% Large Charms(25)
Sapphire Cold Resist +13-15% Large Charms(35)
Crimson Fire Resist +4-7% Large Charms(1)
Russet Fire Resist +8-10% Large Charms(16)
Garnet Fire Resist +11-12% Large Charms(25)
Ruby Fire Resist +13-15% Large Charms(35)
Tangerine Lightning Resist +4-7% Large Charms(1)
Ocher Lightning Resist +8-10% Large Charms(16)
Coral Lightning Resist +11-12% Large Charms(25)
Amber Lightning Resist +13-15% Large Charms(35)
Beryl Poison Resist +4-7% Large Charms(1)
Viridian Poison Resist +8-10% Large Charms(16)
Jade Poison Resist +11-12% Large Charms(25)
Emerald Poison Resist +13-15% Large Charms(35)

+Elemental damage

Magic Prefixes Stats Available on
Septic +3 Poison Damage Over 2 Seconds Large Charms(9)
Envenomed +9 Poison Damage Over 2 Seconds Large Charms(26)
Toxic +18 Poison Damage Over 2 Seconds Large Charms(46)
Pestilent +36 Poison Damage Over 2 Seconds Large Charms(66)
Snowflake +2-3 Minimum and +3-5 Maximum Cold Damage - 1 Second Duration Large Charms(18)
Shivering +4-5 Minimum and +6-10 Maximum Cold Damage - 1 Second Duration Large Charms(29)
Boreal +6-10 Minimum and +11-20 Maximum Cold Damage - 1 Second Duration Large Charms(49)
Hibernal +11-15 Minimum and +21-30 Maximum Cold Damage - 1 Second Duration Large Charms(69)
Ember +1 Minimum and +2-3 Maximum Fire Damage Large Charms(13)
Smoldering +2-3 Minimum and +4-12 Maximum Fire Damage Large Charms(27)
Smoking +4-9 Minimum and +13-27 Maximum Fire Damage Large Charms(47)
Flaming +10-27 Minimum and +28-43 Maximum Fire Damage Large Charms(67)
Static +1 Minimum and +5-9 Maximum Lightning Damage Large Charms(14)
Glowing +1 Minimum and +10-26 Maximum Lightning Damage Large Charms(28)
Arcing +1 Minimum and +27-58 Maximum Lightning Damage Large Charms(48)
Shocking +1 Minimum and +59-90 Maximum Lightning Damage Large Charms(68)

Magic Suffixes

+Base damage

Magic Suffixes Stats Available on
Craftsmanship +1 To Maximum Damage Large Charms(26)
Quality +2 To Maximum Damage Large Charms(56)


Magic Suffixes Stats Available on
Dexterity +2-5 To Dexterity Large Charms(3)[2-3](18)[4-5

Large charms provide the largest potential dexterity bonus of any type of charm: 2.5 per inventory space.


Magic Suffixes Stats Available on
Strength +2-5 Strength Large Charms(3)[2-3](18)[4-5]

Large charms provide the greatest potential strength bonus of any type of charm; 2.5 per space.

+Faster hit recovery

Magic Suffixes Stats Available on
Balance 8% Faster Hit Recovery Large Charms(19)

+Gold find

Magic Suffixes Stats Available on
Greed +5-22% Extra Gold From Monsters Large Charms(1)[5-10](20)[11-22]


Magic Suffixes Stats Available on
Life +6-15 Life Large Charms(1)[6-10](12)[11-15]
Substinence +16-25 Life Large Charms(26)[16-20](42)[21-25]
Vita +26-35 Life Large Charms(58)[26-30](74)[31-35]

Large charms do not offer the best potential hit point bonus per space (small can add up to 20 per space) but it's not especially difficult to find a large with over 30 hps and a second mod.

+Faster Run/ Walk

Magic Suffixes Stats Available on
Inertia 5% Faster Run/Walk Large Charms(24)

+Elemental damage

Magic Suffixes Stats Available on
Blight +3 Poison Damage Over 2 Seconds Large Charms(5)
Venom +6 Poison Damage Over 2 Seconds Large Charms(13)
Pestilence +9 Poison Damage Over 2 Seconds Large Charms(23)
Anthrax +12 Poison Damage Over 2 Seconds Large Charms(33)
Frost +1 Minimum and +2-3 Maximum Cold Damage - 1 Second Duration Large Charms(9)
Icicle +2 Minimum and +4-5 Maximum Cold Damage - 1 Second Duration Large Charms(15)
Glacier +3 Minimum and +6-8 Maximum Cold Damage - 1 Second Duration Large Charms(25)
Winter +4-6 Minimum and +9-12 Maximum Cold Damage - 1 Second Duration Large Charms(35)
Flame +1 Minimum and +2 Maximum Fire Damage Large Charms(7)
Fire +2 Minimum and +3-5 Maximum Fire Damage Large Charms(14)
Burning +3-5 Minimum and +6-11 Maximum Fire Damage Large Charms(24)
Incineration +6-10 Minimum and +12-17 Maximum Fire Damage Large Charms(34)
Shock +1 Minimum and +3-5 Maximum Lightning Damage Large Charms(7)
Lightning +1 Minimum and +6-13 Maximum Lightning Damage Large Charms(14)
Thunder +1 Minimum and +14-25 Maximum Lightning Damage Large Charms(24)
Storms +1 Minimum and +26-38 Maximum Lightning Damage Large Charms(34)

Grand Charms

Grand charms all require 1x3 spaces in the inventory. These charms can not compare to small or large charms in most mods, but the fact that +1 to skill tree mods only appear on grand charms makes them quite sought after by some characters.

Magic Prefixes

+ Defense
Stout +3-12 Defense Grand Charms(1)[3-5](7)[6-9](12)[10-12]
Burly +13-30 Defense Grand Charms(17)[13-15](22)[16-22](27)[23-30]
Stalwart +33-100 Defense Grand Charms(32)[33-40](37)[44-50](42)[60-100]
+ Base Damage
Red +1 To Minimum Damage Grand Charms(15)
Sanguinary +2 To Minimum Damage Grand Charms(45)
Bloody +3 To Minimum Damage Grand Charms(75)
Jagged +1 To Maximum Damage Grand Charms(7)
Forked +2 To Maximum Damage Grand Charms(37)
Serrated +3 To Maximum Damage Grand Charms(67)
+ Stamina
Rugged +12-50 Maximum Stamina Grand Charms(1)[12-24](7)[25-36](21)[37-50]
Bronze +6-42 To Attack Rating Grand Charms(1)[6-12](7)[13-27](13)[28-42]
Iron +43-87 To Attack Rating Grand Charms(19)[43-57](25)[58-72](31)[73-87]
Steel +88-132 To Attack Rating Grand Charms(37)[88-102](43)[103-117](49)[118-132]
Fine +10-48 To Attack Rating +1-6 Maximum Damage Grand Charms(15)[10-20/1-3](22)[21-48/4-6]
Sharp +49-76 To Attack Rating +7-10 Maximum Damage Grand Charms(29)
+ Magic Find
Lucky +1-12% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items Grand Charms(21)[1-4](38)[5-7](55)[8-12]
+ Mana
Lizard's +3-20 Mana Grand Charms(1)[3-7](7)[8-13](13)[14-20]
Snake's +21-39 Mana Grand Charms(19)[21-26](25)[27-33](31)[34-39]
Serpent's +40-59 Mana Grand Charms(37)[40-46](43)[47-52](49)[53-59]
+ Elemental Resists
Shimmering All Resistances +3-15% Grand Charms(8)[3-6](14)[8-12](35)[13-15]
Azure Resist Cold +7-15% Grand Charms(1)
Lapis Resist Cold +16-20% Grand Charms(10)
Cobalt Resist Cold +21-25% Grand Charms(20)
Sapphire Resist Cold +26-30% Grand Charms(30)
Crimson Resist Fire +7-15% Grand Charms(1)
Russet Resist Fire +16-20% Grand Charms(10)
Garnet Resist Fire +21-25% Grand Charms(20)
Ruby Resist Fire +26-30% Grand Charms(30)
Tangerine Resist Lightning +7-15% Grand Charms(1)
Ocher Resist Lightning +16-20% Grand Charms(10)
Coral Resist Lightning +21-25% Grand Charms(20)
Amber Resist Lightning +26-30% Grand Charms(30)
Beryl Resist Poison +7-15% Grand Charms(1)
Viridian Resist Poison +16-20% Grand Charms(10)
Jade Resist Poison +21-25% Grand Charms(20)
Emerald Resist Poison +26-30% Grand Charms(30)
+1 to Skill Tree
Fletcher's +1 Amazon Bow and Crossbow Skills Grand Charms(50)
Acrobat's +1 Amazon Passive Skills Grand Charms(50)
Harpoonist's +1 Amazon Javelin and Spear Skills Grand Charms(50)
Burning +1 Sorceress Fire Skills Grand Charms(50)
Sparking +1 Sorceress Lightning Skills Grand Charms(50)
Chilling +1 Sorceress Cold Skills Grand Charms(50)
Hexing +1 Necromancer Curses Grand Charms(50)
Fungal +1 Necromancer Poison and Bone Spells Grand Charms(50)
Graverobber's +1 Necromancer Summoning Spells Grand Charms(50)
Lion Branded +1 Paladin Combat Skills Grand Charms(50)
Captain's +1 Paladin Offensive Auras Grand Charms(50)
Preserver's +1 Paladin Defensive Auras Grand Charms(50)
Sounding +1 Barbarian Warcries Grand Charms(50)
Fanatic +1 Barbarian Combat Masteries Grand Charms(50)
Expert's +1 Barbarian Masteries Grand Charms(50)
Trainer's +1 Druid Summoning Grand Charms(50)
Spiritual +1 Druid Shapeshifting Grand Charms(50)
Nature's +1 Druid Elemental Grand Charms(50)
Entrapping +1 Assassin Traps Grand Charms(50)
Mentalist's +1 Assassin Shadow Disciplines Grand Charms(50)
Shogukusha's +1 Assassin Martial Arts Grand Charms(50)
+ Elemental Damage
Septic +8 Poison Damage Over 2 Seconds Grand Charms(1)
Foul +15 Poison Damage Over 2 Seconds Grand Charms(12)
Toxic +39 Poison Damage Over 2 Seconds Grand Charms(27)
Pestilent +68 Poison Damage Over 2 Seconds Grand Charms(42)
Snowy +1 Minimum and +2-3 Maximum Cold Damage - 1 Second Duration Grand Charms(9)
Shivering +2-4 Minimum and +4-8 Maximum Cold Damage - 1 Second Duration Grand Charms(15)
Boreal +5-7 Minimum and +9-15 Maximum Cold Damage - 1 Second Duration Grand Charms(30)
Hibernal +8-13 Minimum and +16-25 Maximum Cold Damage - 1 Second Duration Grand Charms(45)
Ember +1 Minimum and +2-3 Maximum Fire Damage Grand Charms(5)
Smoldering +2-3 Minimum and +4-7 Maximum Fire Damage Grand Charms(15)
Smoking +4-7 Minimum and +8-19 Maximum Fire Damage Grand Charms(28)
Flaming +8-18 Minimum and +20-36 Maximum Fire Damage Grand Charms(43)
Static +1 Minimum and +4-5 Maximum Lightning Damage Grand Charms(7)
Glowing +1 Minimum and +6-17 Maximum Lightning Damage Grand Charms(14)
Arcing +1 Minimum and +18-44 Maximum Lightning Damage Grand Charms(29)
Shocking +1 Minimum and +45-79 Maximum Lightning Damage Grand Charms (44)

Magic Suffixes

+ Base Damage
Craftsmanship +1 To Maximum Damage Grand Charms(85)
Quality +2 To Maximum Damage Grand Charms(41)
Maiming +3-4 To Maximum Damage Grand Charms(71)
+ Dexterity
Dexterity +3-6 To Dexterity Grand Charms(1)[3-4](14)[5-6]
+ Faster Hit Recovery
Balance 12% Faster Hit Recovery Grand Charms(1)
+ Gold Find
Greed 10-40% Extra Gold From Monsters Grand Charms(1)[10-20](7)[21-30](19)[31-40]
+ Life
Life +5-20 Life Grand Charms(1)[5-10](9)[11-15](19)[16-20]
Sustenance +21-35 Life Grand Charms(31)[21-25](45)[26-30](61)[31-35]
Vita +36-50 Life Grand Charms(77)[36-40](91)[41-45](110)[46-50]
+ Strength
Strength +3-6 To Strength Grand Charms(1)[3-4](14)[5-6]
+ Faster Run/Walk
Inertia 7% Faster Run/Walk Grand Charms(19)
+ Elemental Damage
Blight +2-7 Poison Damage Over 2 Seconds Grand Charms(1)
Venom +3-9 Poison Damage Over 2 Seconds Grand Charms(6)
Pestilence +6-14 Poison Damage Over 2 Seconds Grand Charms(14)
Anthrax +13-25 Poison Damage Over 2 Seconds Grand Charms(21)
Frost +1 Minimum and +2 Maximum Cold Damage - 1 Second Duration Grand Charms(5)
Icicle +2 Minimum and +3-4 Maximum Cold Damage - 1 Second Duration Grand Charms(8)
Glacier +3 Minimum and +5-7 Maximum Cold Damage - 1 Second Duration Grand Charms(15)
Winter +4-6 Minimum and +8-11 Maximum Cold Damage - 1 Second Duration Grand Charms(23)
Flame +1 Minimum and +2 Maximum Fire Damage Grand Charms(3)
Fire +1-2 Minimum and +3 Maximum Fire Damage Grand Charms(8)
Burning +2-3 Minimum and +4-7 Maximum Fire Damage Grand Charms(14)
Incineration +4-7 Minimum and +8-14 Maximum Fire Damage Grand Charms(22)
Shock +1 Minimum and +2-3 Maximum Lightning Damage Grand Charms(4)
Lightning +1 Minimum and +4-7 Maximum Lightning Damage Grand Charms(7)
Thunder +1 Minimum and +8-21 Maximum Lightning Damage Grand Charms(15)
Storms +1 Minimum and +22-33 Maximum Lightning Damage Grand Charms(22)