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Unique Headgear

Revision as of 16:29, 18 November 2006 by Rushster (talk | contribs)
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To Note

A few unique items have changed with the release of the 1.10 Patch. All new unique items found will have the same stats as the ones in the table below, items found in 1.09 or earlier may have slightly different stats. Items that have had changes will marked with a * and the change will be listed under the table.

  • In 1.10 of the Expansion the odds of gambling an Unique is 1 in 2000
  • Item Level: Monsters must be of this level to drop a particular item.
  • Clvl Req: A character must be this level to equip the item. No Diablo II Uniques had character level requirements prior to v1.07.


Normal Uniques are identical in Diablo II and the Expansion.