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Rabies is a level 18 skill from the Druid's Shape Shifting Skill Tree.


Required Level: 18
Prerequisites: Werewolf, Feral Rage
Synergies: Poison Creeper grants +18% Poison Damage Per Level.
Details: A poison damage skill that is highly contagious. One infected monster will spread the poison to all the monsters in a group.

  • Rabies is inflicted with a bite; this skill is worth using once in a while just to see the animation.
  • Rabies is very useful for PVP, since antidote potions will not cure it.
Mana Cost: 10
Skill Level Progression [e]
Slvl Poison Damage

Duration (seconds)

AR +X%

Slvl Poison Damage

Duration (seconds)

AR +X%

Slvl Poison Damage

Duration (seconds)

AR +X%

Slvl Poison Damage

Duration (seconds)

AR +X%

1 18-43 4 50% 6 121-159 6 85% 11 306-356 8 120% 16 578-640 10 155%
2 34-61 4.4 57% 7 150-190 6.4 92% 12 354-406 8.4 127% 17 658-723 10.4 162%
3 52-82 4.8 64% 8 180-223 6.8 99% 13 405-460 8.8 134% 18 742-810 10.8 169%
4 73-105 5.2 71% 9 219-264 7.2 106% 14 460-517 9.2 141% 19 831-901 11.2 176%
5 96-131 5.6 78% 10 261-308 7.6 113% 15 517-577 9.6 148% 20 924-996 11.6 183%