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Item quality

407 bytes removed, 18:00, 6 November 2021
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[[Rare]]s are essentially magical items with more possible modifiers. While [[magic]]al items can have at most one [[prefix]] and one [[suffix]], rares can have up to three each, though they do not spawn multiple modifiers from the same family. You won't get two or three prefixes that add cold resistance on the same item, for instance. You can sometimes find rares with stacking mods when a prefix and suffix that add the same property occur on the same rare. [[Cruel]] and [[Kings]] both add % damage, for instance.
===Normal (Superior) Items===  Superior items are of higher quality than their normal counterparts, but are usually less powerful than magical items. Superior items are able to gain the following bonuses:
Superior Armor and Shields
+1-3 Attack Rating
+1 Maximum Damage
Superior socketed items that have rolled the 15% Enhanced Defense or Damage modifier are sought after by players because these bonuses are retained on the item when it is used to create a runeword and added to the runeword's bonuses. The other possible bonuses of Superior items are generally considered to be moot.
certain items can have these superior bonuses. they can stack with runewords.
Amazon Weapons: +1-3 Javelin and Spear skills or +1-3 Bow and Crossbow skills