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Template:General Item Notes

6 bytes removed, 16:42, 12 May 2010
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:<nowiki>{{General Item Notes| }}</nowiki> This renders the "set" text. Well, it'd be nice if it did, but apparently this wiki doesn't support #ifeq, or something.
:<nowiki>{{General Item Notes}}</nowiki> This does not render the "set" text.Or that was the idea.:Instead, <nowiki>{{Set Item Notes}}</noincludenowiki>* It is possible to depends on this.   [[Gambling|gambleCategory:Templates]] [[Set Items|Set]] and [[Uniques|Unique]] items in v1.09+. The odds are roughly 1  </1000 for Set items and 1/2000 for Unique items. noinclude>* [[Item level]] (ilvl): Used in many in-game calculations. Monsters must be of this level to drop the item.
* [[Character level]] (clvl): The character level you need to be to be able to wear or equip the item.
{{#ifeq:{{1|+}} | {{1|-}} | def | undef}}