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Necromancer Poison and Bone

1 byte removed, 16:29, 23 October 2009
Bone Spear
==[[Bone Spear]]==
'''Required Level:''' 18<br />
'''Prerequisites:''' [[Teeth]], [[Corpse Explosion]]<br />
'''Details:''' Bone Spear fires a straight shot of magical damage bone that can pass through any number of targets. It does less damage to each target than [[Bone Spirit]] (until very high levels), but can hit multiple enemies, and is very effective against large mobs, or in narrow hallways, such as inside the [[Maggot Lair]]. Their damage is magical, and they can be made more effective by the use of the [[Lower Resist]]ance or [[Decrepify]] as it also lowers magical resistance.
{{Skill Progression
|header=Mana Cost
| 7.0
| 7.2