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Guide:Magic Find Guide v1.11, by Hrus

19 bytes removed, 14:46, 10 December 2009
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Weap87 and armo87 contain the rarest items in the game (like Corona, Diadem, Sacred Armor, Berserker Axe, Hydra Bow, etc.). Monsters able to drop from these TCs are able to drop any type of item. (In 1.09 the TC90 existed, but all items were moved to TC87 in patch 1.10). Beside the areas like Pit and late Act5 areas, i.e. mosters with "Act 5 (H) *** C" TCs, the monsters which drop from "Act 5 (H) *** B" TCs, are still able to give weap87 and armo87, but with severely reduced probability (~8.5 x lower).
===Monsters that can drop dropping all types of items icluding incl TC87:===
Low chance TC87: