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Shock Web

129 bytes added, 06:28, 21 February 2010
Explicitly present receive/provide synergy asymmetries
==[[Shock Web]]==
'''Required Level:''' 6<br />'''Prerequisites:''': [[Fire Blast]]<br/>'''Effect:''' These traps comprise a collection of small conductive components that arc electricity between one another, damaging any opponents who tread upon them.'''Synergies:''' * '''''Receives Bonuses From:'''''** [[Fire Blast]]: +1 Missile Per 3 Levels** [[Charged Bolt Sentry]]: +11% Lightning Damage Per Level** [[Lightning Sentry]]: +11% Lightning Damage Per Level** [[Death Sentry]]: +11% Lightning Damage Per Level* ''''Details'Provides Bonuses To:''' These traps comprise a collection of small conductive components that arc electricity between one another'' [[Fire Blast]], [[Charged Bolt Sentry]], damaging any opponents who tread upon them.[[Lightning Sentry]]
!'''Mana Cost:'''