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Use the links below to check out the different Runewords.
==What are the most common errors in making a RuneWord?==
99% of the errors are:
* Tried to make it in a magical/unique/set item.
* Tried to make it in an item with more than the required sockets.
* Tried a weapon recipe in armor, helm recipe in shield, sword recipe in bow, etc. The recipes work only for the items that they are listed to work for.
==Do RuneWords work in single player or over Open Battle.net?==
Yes, all known RuneWords work on and off Realms. .
==Do RuneWords work on Mercs?==
No, this was a bug in v1.08 and was fixed in v1.09.
==Does +Magic Find gear work to find more or better Runes?==
No, +MF% doesn't make more Runes or higher quality Runes drop. It doesn't hurt your odds either though.
==How do I make a RuneWord?==
You must be sure you follow all of these steps exactly:
# The item must be a low quality, normal, or superior normal item. The name should be in grey. You can not use Set, Unique, Rare, or Magical items, even if they have the correct number of sockets!
# The item must be of the correct type. If the recipe says "swords only" it means it, maces, axes, etc won't work.
# The item must have exactly the correct number of sockets. This means no more and no less than the number of Runes. You can't put a three-socket RuneWord into a 5 socket item, it won't work, you'll just get the bonuses from the individual Runes.
# You must insert the Runes in the correct sequence.
# You must be on one of the Realms (not single player or LAN). Only Ancient's Pledge works off of the realms in v1.08.
==Can I personalize a Runic Item?==
Yes, and it makes an odd color, with your added name in the Crafted Item orange, and the RuneWord in gold. [[Personalized Runic Item| See it here]].
==Can I make a RuneWord in Wirt's Leg?==
No. [[Wirts Leg Runeword| Example here]].
==Can I make a RuneWord from an Ethereal Item?==
Yes, and it will keep the Ethereal mod on it. [[Ethereal_Runeword| Example here]].
==Does the arrangement of the sockets in an item matter?==
No, the actual appearance of the Runes in the sockets is not important. You need just insert the Runes in the correct sequence, as described above, and it will work. How the Runes look in the item is irrelevant.
==Do items with inherent bonuses keep them once they become RuneWords?==
Yes, as long as the item is a normal item with bonus skills, and not a magical item. The items allowed are wands, staves, scepters, and all seven types of the class specific items (though Assassin claws don't get random bonus skills in v1.08).