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5 bytes added, 08:24, 17 October 2011
:''There was a time, child, when I thought I was destined to follow your kind's path. However, my powers never developed beyond the simplest of spells. Although I can heal almost any wound with time and energy, there is little I can do to help against Baal.''
:''But enough of that...I spend too much time in reflection and have forgotten my manners.''
:''I, Malah, welcome you to Harrogath, the last stronghold of Order on Mount Arreat. You have come to the right place, if you intend to defeat Baal the Lord of Destruction. '':''Baal has laid waste to our mountain and its denizens. His minions continue to attack our town, while Qual-Kehk and his men have proven helpless to stop them. Baal is still out on the mountain looking for something -- but I know not what.''
:''All of the Elders, save Nihlathak, sacrificed themselves to place a protective ward around Harrogath.''
:''Some of us here, certainly Nihlathak, do not appreciate your presence. We are a proud people, and it is not easy for us to accept aid. I, however, am glad you are here.''