Stygian Fury

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Stygian Fury in-game
Diablo II Monsters [e]
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Act BossesGuest Monsters
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Monster Type
Stygian Fury:
is a Monster
and a Demon
and a Guest Monster

Stygian Furies are Demons.

These half-naked winged female demons hover, kick, fire Bloodstar projectiles and cast four types of curses.

  • Blood Witches are listed in the game stats and on Blizzard's site, but they do not spawn anywhere as of v1.11.
  • Hell Witches and Sirens only appear as Guest Monsters, and are never seen on normal difficulty in v1.10+

Another monster with the same graphics is the Succubus.

  • All values are listed by difficulty level: Normal / Nightmare / Hell.


Speed rates a monster's movement speed. 1 is very slow, 10 is fast, with some very fast creatures rated at 10+.

  • The TC/Rune drops listed are the highest Treasure Class/Rune Group a normal monster of that type can drop.
    • Champions and Bosses can sometimes drop from the next higher TC.
    • The max TC/Rune possible depends on which level a monster spawns in, and can vary slightly from the listed values (monsters that spawn in later levels can drop higher level items). See the item calculators to ascertain precisely what a monster from a given area can drop.
Type Level Experience Hit Points Speed Max TC/Rune
Vile Witch 34 / 61 / 82 1123 / 18386 / 68321 157-252 / 827-1241 / 2626-5253 8 / 12 / 12 36/Dol, 63/Vex, 87/Zod
Stygian Fury 35 / 62 / 83 1230 / 19490 / 70291 165-264 / 847-1270 / 2678-5356 9 39/Dol, -- , --
Hell Witch 42 / 64 / 85 2390 / 21900 / 74232 222-355 / 888-1332 / 2782-5563 12 --
Siren 32 / 60 / 81 921 / 17347 / 66350 144-228 / 806-1209 / 2575-5149 12 --
Guest Monsters (Act Five, NM/Hell only)
Hell Witch -- / 62 / 83 -- / 19490 / 70291 -- / 847-1270 / 2678-5356 12 --, 63/Vex, 87/Zod
Siren -- / 62 / 83 -- / 19490 / 70291 -- / 847-1270 / 2678-5356 12 --, 63/Vex, 87/Zod


  • Stygian Furies cast four types of curses, the levels of which increase with the difficulty level: 3 / 6 / 10.
    • Amplify Damage: Lowers the target's physical resistance by 100%.
    • Weaken: Lessens the target's physical damage by 33%
    • Defense Curse: Cast when target has more hit points than mana. Lowers the targets' defense by the stated amount.
    • Blood Mana: Cast when the target's mana is greater than or equal to hit points. Causes every spell cast to subtract as much health as mana -- a spell that costs 20 mana will lower mana and health by 20 points. (Extremely dangerous for Sorceresses.)
  • All types of Succubus have a magic damage melee hit that always hits when used.
  • Bloodstar projectile attacks deal physical damage, and always hit, though they can be blocked or dodged. Beware these when cursed with Amplify Damage.
Type Attack 1 AR 1 Magic Hit Bloodstar Defense Curse
Vile Witch 10-18 / 25-45 / 46-83 487 / 1425 / 3952 8-16 / 21-39 / 38-72 10-18 / 26-47/ 48-86 -50% / -75% / -95%
Stygian Fury 10-19 / 25-45 / 47-84 505 / 1447 / 3998 8-16 / -- / -- 10-19 / -- / -- -55% / -- / --
Hell Witch 12-22 / 26-46 / 48-86 608 / 1490 / 4089 -- -- --
Siren 9-17 / 24-44 / 46-83 453 / 1404 / 3907 -- -- --
Guest Monsters (Act Five, NM/Hell only)
Hell Witch -- / 25-45 / 47-84 -- / 1447 / 3998 -- / 20-38 / 37-70 -- / 25-45 / 47-84 -- / -75% / -95%
Siren -- / 25-45 / 47-84 -- / 1447 / 3998 -- / 20-38 / 37-70 -- / 25-45 / 47-84 -- / -75% / -95%


  • Regen Rate tells what % of a monster's hit points are recovered per second. Standard is 1.2/sec.
  • Blocking values are assigned to every monster in the game, but the ability is seldom enabled, so most monsters can not block (Hence the blocking % given on most Diablo II monster pages, including Blizzard's, is inaccurate.) When enabled, blocking tells what % of successful, blockable attacks will not damage the monster. Monsters need not carry a shield to block.
  • Drain Effectiveness tells what % of a character's mana and life steal apply to that monster. 100 is all, 0 is none.
  • Chill Effectiveness tells what % of a character's cold length applies to the monster. 100 is all, 0 is no freeze/chill at all.
Type Defense Blocking Regen Rate Drain Effectiveness Chill Effectiveness
Vile Witch 218 / 952 / 1837 -- 1.2/sec 100 / 85 / 75 50 / 40 / 33
Stygian Fury 224 / 966 / 1858 -- 1.2/sec 100 / 85 / 75 50 / 40 / 33
Hell Witch 269 / 993 / 1898 -- 1.2/sec 100 / 85 / 75 50 / 40 / 33
Siren 205 / 938 / 1818 -- 1.2/sec 100 / 85 / 75 50 / 40 / 33
Guest Monsters (Act Five, NM/Hell only)
Hell Witch -- / 966 / 1858 -- 1.2/sec -- / 85 / 75 -- / 40 / 33
Siren -- / 966 / 1858 -- 1.2/sec -- / 85 / 75 -- / 40 / 33


The Guest Monsters Hell Witch has very different resistances depending on where it spawns. Hell Witch 1 is found in Abbadon. Hell Witch 2 is found in the Infernal Pit and the Throne of Destruction. All monsters have a few stats that vary slightly (hit points, defense, attack rating, etc) depending on where they spawn, but very seldom enough to make any real difference. This is one of the few exceptions.

  • Resistances over 99% are listed as immunities and monsters will take no damage from that type of attack.
  • Immunities can be "broken" by skills that lower resistance, if the value drops below 99%. See the Resistances page for more details.
Type Physical Fire Cold Lightning Poison Magic
Vile Witch 0% / 0% / 10% 0% / 0% / 110% 0% / 0% / 50% 0% / 0% / 66% 0% / 0% / 25% 0% / 0% / 0%
Stygian Fury 0% / 0% / 100% 0% / 0% / 25% 0% / 0% / 50% 0% / 0% / 66% 0% / 0% / 25% 0% / 0% / 0%
Hell Witch 0% / 0% / 25% 0% / 0% / 25% 0% / 0% / 160% 0% / 0% / 66% 0% / 0% / 25% 0% / 0% / 0%
Siren 0% / 0% / 10% 0% / 0% / 66% 0% / 0% / 140% 0% / 0% / 66% 0% / 0% / 25% 0% / 0% / 0%
Guest Monsters (Act Five, NM/Hell only)
Hell Witch 1 -- / 0% / 25% -- / 33% / 66% -- / 100% / 145% -- / 15% / 33% -- / 33% / 66% -- / 33% / 66%
Hell Witch 2 -- / 0% / 25% -- / 0% / 25% -- / 100% / 160% -- / 0% / 66% -- / 0% / 25% -- / 0% / 0%
Siren -- / 0% / 25% -- / 33% / 66% -- / 100% / 125% -- / 15% / 33% -- / 33% / 66% -- / 33% / 66%


  • Monster variety in Act Five on Normal difficulty is static -- the same monsters are always in the same areas. (This was true of NM/Hell also, prior to v1.10.)
  • Many Expansion monsters only appear as [[Guest Monsters]] in v1.10+.
  • Monsters in areas marked "Boss Only" will only appear as random bosses or champions.
  • Monsters in areas marked "No Boss" will never appear as random bosses or champions.
Type Normal Nightmare & Hell
Vile Witch Worldstone Keep 1 Worldstone Keep 1
Stygian Fury Throne of Destruction (No boss) --
Hell Witch -- --
Siren -- --
Guest Monsters (Act Five, NM/Hell only)
Hell Witch -- Abbadon, Infernal Pit, Throne of Destruction
Siren -- Frozen River, Icy Cellar