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Base Item Levels

19 bytes added, 09:11, 7 March 2011
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{{Item navbox}}
The quality level of an item is used in many game calculations, including gambling. A character's clvl must meet or exceed the base item's level for that item to display in the gambling window. This relationship is complicated by an element of luck; when the item window is rolled, the clvl is calculated at +4/-5, for every item in the window that time. This makes no difference to high level characters, but in the low and mid levels it is a non-trivial issue.
For instance, the Coronet is base level 52, so a character as low as level 48 might see it (+4), while a character as high as 56 might not (-5).
The chances for every item quality are:
* Unique: 1/2000 (.00505%)* Set: 2/2000 (.011%)
* Rare: 200/2000 (10%)
* Magical: 1797/2000 (89%)