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General Notes

Hsarus' Defense is an unusual set, as it has neither weapon nor body armor in it. This is a good thing, since you can put top quality items in your two most important slots, as well as all three jewelry slots. Unfortunately the three items in this set aren't of any use on their own, and the overall bonus isn't much good either.

These are the stats for the set in Diablo II Expansion Pack: Lord of Destruction, where there are partial set bonuses and hidden item bonuses.

  • The odds of gambling a set item are 1 in 1000.
  • Items with Rarity are expressed as a chance out of 1000. Eg 78/1000 would mean that out of every 1000 set items of that base item that drop, 78 of them will be this particular one. This is important for rings and amulets and several other items.
  • Item Level: Used in many in-game calculations. Monsters must be of this level to drop the item. All items in Hsaru's Defense have an Item Level of 4
  • Clvl req is the character level you need to be to be able to wear the item. All items in Hsaru's Defense have a Clvl Req of 3.
  • Hidden Bonuses usually work in conjunction with other items. For example, if you are wearing a set helm that has a listed hidden bonus as "Wearing 2 Items: +15 Str", it means that if you wear the helm with any other item in the set, the helm will show an additional bonus of +15 Str in green text. These bonuses apply to the individual item only, but most sets will have several items with these properties, so you can quickly find that simply wearing 3 items from a 4 item set will give you several additional magical bonuses. The bonuses stack together, so if you have an item that has bonuses for wearing both 2 and 3 items, if you are wearing 3 items you will receive the bonus for wearing 2 items as well.

Shield Notes

  • Shield Blocking information can be found in the shield section.
  • Smite damage is for the Paladin only.
  • Weight: All shields are light, medium, or heavy. Light Shields cause no stamina or speed penalties, medium shields cause a 5% stamina drain and speed penalty and heavy shields cause a 10% stamina drain and speed penalty.


Item Item Name Attributes Hidden Bonuses
Hsarus-iron-stay.gif Hsarus' Iron Stay
Rarity: 500/1000
5 Defense
16 Durability
25 Str Required
+20% Cold Resist
+20 to life
Wearing 2 Items: +2.5 Defense per Clvl*
Hsarus-iron-fist-x.gif Hsarus' Iron Fist
4-6 Defense
12 Durability
12 Str Required
20% Block chance
1-3 Pal Smite Dmg
Weight: Light
Damage Reduced by 2
+10 to Strength
Wearing 2 Items: +2.5 Defense per Clvl**
Hsarus-iron-heal.gif Hsarus' Iron Heel
Chain Boots
8-9 Defense
16 Durability
30 Str Required
6-12 Kick Dmg
Fast Run/Walk
+25% Fire Resist
Wearing 2 Items: +10 to Attack Rating per Clvl

* When wearing another item of this set, the defense of this belt will increase at a rate of 2.5 defense per clvl ** When wearing another item of this set, the defense of this bucker will increase at a rate of 2.5 defense per clvl

Set Bonuses

A minor set, though at least the lack of a weapon allows you to use a decent one with it and do some big damage. Unfortunately the shield is quite crappy, and of course limits you to using one-handed weapons with this set. The set bonus isn't much either; can't be frozen is great for dueling some characters, but not at the cost of three almost wasted item slots.

Set Attributes/Bonus Item Slots Used Item Slots Free
Item Bonuses:
Wearing two items: Attacker Takes Damage of 5

Full Set Bonus:
Cannot Be Frozen
+25% Lightning Resist
+5 to Max Damage
One-handed Weapon

Diablo II

These are the stats for the set in Diablo II, where there are no partial set bonuses or hidden item bonuses.

Item Item Name Attributes Commentary
Hsarus-iron-stay.gif Hsarus' Iron Stay
5 Defense
32 Durability
25 Str Required
Clvl 3 Required
Cold Resist 20%
+20 to life
Useful newbie item for the +hps and low Clvl requirement, but no long term value.
Hsarus-iron-fist.gif Hsarus' Iron Fist
4-6 Defense
24 Durability
12 Str Required
 % Chance to Block:
Pal: 30%
Bar/Ama: 25%
Nec/Sor: 20%
1-3 Pal Smite Dmg
Clvl 3 Required
Damage Reduced by 2
+10 to Strength
Useless shield other than the +10 Str, which can help low level characters. Useful on mules as well, to help them equip spare equipment.
Hsarus-iron-heal.gif Hsarus' Iron Heel
Chain Boots
8 Defense
32 Durability
30 Str Required
Clvl 3 Required
Fast Run/Walk
Fire Resist 25%
Not much to recommend them; decent resistance and fast run, but no stamina and not "faster" or "fastest" even.

Set Bonuses

A minor set, though at least the lack of a weapon allows you to use a decent one with it and do some big damage. Unfortunately the shield is quite crappy, and of course limits you to using one-handed weapons with this set. The set bonus isn't much either; can't be frozen is great for dueling some characters, but not at the cost of three almost wasted item slots.

Set Attributes/Bonus Item Slots Used Item Slots Free
Item Bonuses:
+20 to life
+10 to Strength
Damage Reduced by 2
Fast Run/Walk
Cold Resist 20%
Fire Resist 25%
Full Set Bonus:
Cannot Be Frozen
Lightning Resist 25%
+5 to Max Damage
One-handed Weapon