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193 bytes added, 08:40, 15 October 2011
===[[The Golden Bird]]===
'''Return (with the Statue)'''
:''You will have to take Ku Y'leh's ashes to Alkor.''
:''Once the Gidbinn is found, Ormus will use it to strengthen the protective barrier around the dockside. ''
'''CompletionReturn (with Gidbinn)''':''The Gidbinn's magic can only be channeled through Ormus. '':''Take it to him. He has the necessary knowledge about the ancient Skatsimi magics. ''
===[[Lam Esen's Tome (quest)|Lam Esen's Tome]]===
'''After Activation'''
:''We have long sought the Black Book of Lam Esen. Rumors of its whereabouts spread as fast as jungle plagues. If you find it, take it to Alkor. ''
:''Within the Temple City stands a tower built long ago by the Horadrim to imprison the… the... Well, you'll discover more about it soon enough. ''
:''If you are another follower of Zakarum, I've told you people before I don't want your Towering Spire or anything else you have to sell!''
:''You'll find that the Zakarumites have the persistence of zombies, but without the charisma.''
'''About [[Alkor]]'''
:''Alkor is a potion dealer given over to a life steeped in ceaseless study and dissipation.''
'''About [[Asheara]]'''
:''Asheara leads the mercenary company known as the Iron Wolves. You can hire some of them, but many are occupied securing the dockside.''
Alkor is a potion dealer given over to a life steeped in ceaseless study and dissipation. '''About [[Deckard Cain]]''':''Ormus is a man This, Cain, whom you brought with you. He has the bearing of many mysteries. great power, yet I sense strong no magic about him, but he's never spoken of it . He is an enigma to me.''
'''About [[Meshif]]'''
:''I trust you already know Meshif. But did you know that he was born and raised here?''
:''I suspect that like many of us his spirit is near broken at the sight of Kurast's decline. Only our brand of gallows humor saves us from utter despair.''
This, Cain, whom you brought with you'''About [[Natalya]]''':''Natalya is a quiet one. He She arrived here about a week ago and has the bearing of great powerpretty much kept to herself. She's inquired about my weapons a few times, yet so I sense no magic about him. He is an enigma to meassume that she's a warrior of some sort. ''
Natalya '''About [[Ormus]]''':''Ormus is a quiet oneman of many mysteries. She arrived here about a week ago and has pretty much kept to herself. She's inquired I sense strong magic about my weapons a few timeshim, so I assume that shebut he's a warrior never spoken of some sortit to me. ''
'''Sorceress only'''