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20 bytes added, 06:42, 20 June 2008
2005: More Blizzard North Departures
==2005: More Blizzard North Departures==
Many other long time Diablo team members left the company in the wake of Blizzard North's closure. Most joined [[Flagship Studios ]] or [[Castaway Entertainment]], but a few others struck out on their own. [[Eric Sexton]], [[Michio Okamura]], and [[Steven Woo ]] [ formed Hyboreal Games]:
San Carlos, CA (10/31/2005) – Hyboreal Games announced today its formation as a new development studio dedicated to creating blockbuster video and computer games. The company is establishing a new best-selling game franchise by applying the proven formula of mass accessibility, addictive game play and longevity through re-playability. Hyboreal Games was founded by Eric Sexton, Michio Okamura and Steven Woo, all industry veterans and former developers for Blizzard North where their contributions were essential to the success of the highly acclaimed Diablo franchise which has sold well over 13 million copies worldwide.