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335 bytes added, 08:24, 9 November 2008
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{{Class_navbox|II}}: ''You can find the hidden The Diablo II '''Barbarian''' class is a master of ''Diablo: Hellfire'' on the [[Barbarian (Diablo I)]] article pagemelee and physical combat. If you were linked here for Crushingly powerful in hand to hand combat, the Diablo I Barbarianboasts very high damage and hit points, you can update natural abilities that link raise his resistance and defense, and the ability to the proper articleshare powerful bonuses to his party members with warcries.''
In the game story, the Barbarian tribes are powerful, nomadic, and misunderstood. Previously seen as savages by most peoples, the Barbarians' culture has become known and respected, even as the Barbarians remain a people apart, living on the fringe of civilization and refusing the influence of those they see as soft and weak.
The '''* Information about the [[Barbarian (Diablo I)|Diablo I: Hellfire Barbarian''' is a member of any of several tribes living on the fringes of civilization, and refusing the influence of those he sees as soft and weak]].