→Character Level and affixes dealing with crafts.: Corrected formula
* At ilvls 71+, there's a 100% chance of 4 affixes.
clvl and ilvl control alvl of crafts by controlling the final ilvl that the craft receives. It follows this formula. ilvl = int(.5 * clvl) + int(.5 * ilvl). The int() means that you round down before plugging through the equation. Affixes control the required level of the craft. The formula is rlvl = rlvl(of highest affix) +10 +3x (#of other affixes). So if you have a craft with 3 4 affixes and the highest affix has a required level (rlvl) of 12 your required level for that craft is 12 + 10 + 3*2 4 = 2834. Since character level controls affix level and the # of affixes that can spawn it also controls the rlvl of the craft.