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Canyon of the Magi

No change in size, 18:31, 28 March 2010
<!--|name= -->
|patch= v1.10+
|norm-lvl= 1916|night-lvl= #48|hell-lvl= #79
|monsters= [[Saber Cat | Hell Cat]], [[Slinger | Hell Slinger]], [[Sand Maggot | Devourer]], [[Scarab Demon | Steel Scarab]], [[Wendigo | Crusher]]
|norm-monster= 5
[[File:Canyon of the Magi layout.jpg|400px|left]]
The seven tomb entrances and the Canyon are always the same layout, as you can see in the illustration. From left to right they are Circle, Crescent, Square, Broken Box, Double-V, Triangle, Circle-Crescent. You can memorize them or draw a little map, and when you get to the Canyon after doing the Summoner and learning which is the correct tomb, you can check your map and go right to the entrance. Quicker than roaming around the perimeter of the Canyon, though many people like to clear it all out for the experience anyway.
==Level Information==