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1 byte removed, 04:41, 3 October 2011
Command.txt Editing
Here is the full list of all possible commands.
:: cowquest;theoquest;bardtest;multitest;barbariantest;nestart;
It does not matter what order these are in, so long as they are listed in this fashion, with a semicolon separating each command. You can mix and match as well; removing any portion will turn it off without breaking the rest of the operations. For instance, if you don't like the cow suit quest, just remove that part of the code, leaving this.
:: theoquest;bardtest;multitest;barbariantest;nestart;
The instructions are fairly self evident by their names, but here's a quick explanation:
* multitest -- Enables multiplayer. (You'll need to change another file as well, in Hellfire v1.01. [[Hellfire#Unlocking_the_Undocumented_Features|See above]].)
* nestart -- Enables a different palette for the Hive. Try the game with and without this option to see the fairly slight difference.
==Hellfire is Non-Canon==