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Lord De Seis

2 bytes added, 10:51, 31 May 2008
Changed pre-v1.07 aura name from "decrepify" to "conviction"
Oblivion Knights are one of the most feared monsters in the game due to their ability to cast dangerous curses. Iron Maiden is the most dangerous, a curse that has caused countless melee fighters to kill themselves in just one or two hits. It has no effect on ranged attackers though, so Sorceresses, Bowazons, and other ranged attackers have little difficulty with de Seis or Oblivion Knights in general.
Prior to v1.07 Lord de Seis was much more dangerous, since he spawned with a full boss pack of Oblivion Knights. Since the v1.07 patch he's become much easier, since he now spawns with Doom Knights. His aura was also changed in v1.07, from Decrepify Conviction to Fanaticism.
Prior to v1.04, Lord de Seis had the [[Monster_Modifiers#Thief|Thief]] property, an unusual monster modifier that caused potions to drop from a character's belt. That mod was buggy, and was removed from the game in v1.04.
Lord de Seis is always [[Monster_Modifiers#Extra_Strong|Extra Strong]] and [[Monster_Modifiers#Aura_Enchanted|Aura Enchanted]] (Fanaticism currently, Decrepify Conviction prior to v1.07.) He gains 1 random modifier on Nightmare and 2 on Hell.
* Like all Oblivion Knights, Lord de Seis has no melee attacks, just ranged attacks and curses.