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Lord De Seis

67 bytes added, 11:37, 10 September 2008
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[[Image:Mon-lord-de-seis1.jpg{{Monster navbox|thumb{{Monstertype}}|300px{{Undead}}|Back when he was ''really'' dangerous.]]{{SuperUniques}}}}Lord de Seis is [[Undead]], and an [[Oblivion Knight]].
[[Image:Mon-lord-de-seis1.jpg|thumb|200px|left|Back when he was ''really'' dangerous.]]Lord de Seis is one the 3 "Seal Bosses" found in the [[Chaos Sanctuary]] in Act Four. De Seis is freed by opening the rightmost seal.
Oblivion Knights are one of the most feared monsters in the game due to their ability to cast dangerous curses. Iron Maiden is the most dangerous, a curse that has caused countless melee fighters to kill themselves in just one or two hits. It has no effect on ranged attackers though, so Sorceresses, Bowazons, and other ranged attackers have little difficulty with de Seis or Oblivion Knights in general.