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D3 Barbarian Skills

2,364 bytes added, 14:24, 30 June 2008
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A simple listing of the known Barbarian skills, as seen on Blizzard's site and in the WWI gameplay movie.
=Melee AttacksCombat Skills=
A slashing melee strike that can hit multiple targets at once, it leaves a streak of bright red light behind. it is a fast hit but has a slight delay between uses, making it slightly slower than normal attack. It can be delivered with one hand, and seems to alternate forehand and backhand, so it can be used while dual wielding.
==Hammer of the Ancients==
{| align="right" width="33%"
| Hammer of the Ancients.
Rank: 4/5
A massive attack that has increased chance to critically hit.
Stamina: 16
Deals 225% weapon damage plus an additional 14 physical damage.
25% chance to critical hit
This massive damage attack causes a giant golden mace to appear above the Barbarian, which he slams straight down into the ground in front of him, where the mace remains crushed for a moment. The skill's hover text was shown in the WWI game play movie, and it's reproduced in the table to the right.
=Ranged Attacks=Furious Charge=={| align="right" width="33%"| Furious ChargeRank: 1/1Charge directly at an enemy, smashing everything in the way.
==Charge==Current level: 1Looks similar Fury: 20Primary damage: 110%Secondary damage: 100%Range: 85 feet|}A dashing attack that works almost like teleportation. The barbarian targets an enemy and dashes at them at a very high rate of speed. He deals damage to targets he passes through on the way, and deals huge explosive damage to anything near his terminal point. It's not yet clear what "Fury" means in the Barbarian's skill descriptions, but it seems to be some sort of value that skills expend, like a mana cost? It's not related to the Paladin Barbarian skill from of that name in ''Diablo II''.
This skill enables the barbarian to leap a considerable distance, and quite quickly too. When landing the barbarian drives down her weapons from overhead, creating a blue shockwave that damages and knocks back any enemies within several yards. It seems appears to combine the powers of the d2 skills leap and leap attack, and seems to deal quite a bit of damage, as rapidly as it dispatches multiple ghouls with every Leap, in the WWI movie. At one point the barbarian uses it without traveling any distance, leaping straight up and then coming back down with explosive force, so it appears to be a skill that can be targeted right at the monster you are currently facing. 
==Seismic Slam==
{| align="right" width="33%"| Whirlwind Rank: 1/20Swirl in a cyclone, delibering attacks to everything in his path. Current level: 1Fury: 1Hits for 25% of weapon damage Next level: 2Fury: 1Hits or 30% of weapon damage.|}The spinning, multi-hitting tornado of a skill returns in D3. This one As it did in D2, Whirlwind lands multiple, bonus damage hits to anything in the barbarian's path, and it can strike multiple monsters per use. It appears to be usable as long as you wish (mana permitting?) but only in a straight line. To change direction the barbarian must stop one WW, and begin another one. The spinning graphic is much improved as well, with the weapon visible tracking around in a circle, leaving a glowing light as it spins. The hover text for Whirlwind was visible in the WWI gameplay movie, and it's reproduced to the right. It's not yet clear what "Fury" means in the Barbarian's skill descriptions, but it seems to be some sort of value that skills expend; it's not related to the Barbarian skill of that name in ''Diablo II''.
=WarcriesBattle Cry={| align="right" width="33%"| Rank: 5/10Shouts out a warning, increasing defense of all nearby party members.Radius: 15 feet.Stamina: 35Additional defense: 200%Duration: 300 seconds.|}This warcry is basically Shout, from ''Diablo II''. It increases the defense of the Barbarian and any party members in range. The defense and duration increase with additional skill points. The skill hover was shown in the WWI gameplay movie, and that text is reproduced to the right.
==Blue Warcry==
No name is known for this one, but the Barbarian uses it before the battle begins at the start of the WWI movie. Presumably it's a defensive buff, but it could boost his hit points or attack powers, for all we know at this point.
==Yellow Warcry==
Used immediately after the blue one at the start of early on in the WWI gameplay movie, this . This one seems to stun stuns or incapacitate dizzies the first few ghouls who are in range, but does not appear to damage them.