,no edit summary
==General Monster Information==
Basic facts and properties of monsters in Diablo II.
===Hover Information===
[[Image:Mon-ismail.jpg|frame]]Basic information is displayed when the cursor hovers over a monster. The monster so selected will appear highlighted to stand out from the other monster. Also, information about the monster will appear at the top center of the screen. This information includes:
===Monster Types===
All monsters fit into 3 classifications: Demons, Undead, or Animals. Demons and Undead are labeled in the game. Monsters without a label are all animals.
===Multiplayer Changes===
When more players are in the game, monsters have more hit points, are worth more experience, and are more likely to drop items. The game calculates these figures when the monster is spawned; when a player moves near enough the monster that it is calculated into existence. Once spawned, monsters retain their initial values whether more players enter or leave the game.
See the [[Player Settings]] page for far more detail.
====Players X====
This command works only for single player characters (whether played solo, or in TCP/IP or open Battle.net games). Simply type in "/players x" where the x = the number of players you wish the game to simulate. Players who wish a greater challenge and bigger rewards can use this command to increase monster hit points and experience gains. As of v1.11 players 1-8 are valid options, and the setting can be increased or decreased at any time during the game. Values will not change for monsters once they've spawned.
===Monster and Player Levels===
Monster levels are listed on the various monster pages. Their levels are used in many calculations, too many to list here. Some quick facts:
===Monster Spells and Projectiles===
Monster spells always hit. Monster projectiles (arrows, spikes, blow darts, etc) have the same sort of to/hit check as melee attacks. Some monster projectiles (Spear Cat javelins) will never hit mercs or other player minions. This can be dangerous to a player standing behind the battle.
Some monsters have Immunities to Magic, Physical Damage, Poison Damage and Elemental Damage, and will take no damage from such attacks. Immunities were quite common in v1.09, but this aspect of the game was rebalanced in v1.10 and now in v1.11 relatively few monsters are immune. Physical immunity is the least common type of immunity, since so many characters rely chiefly on physical damage.
Many boss monsters gain immunities from their [[Monster Modifiers]] on Nightmare and especially on Hell difficulty. For instance, the Stone Skin modifier adds 50% physical resistance. If a monster type has 50% physical resistance on Hell, a boss with Stone Skin would increase to 100%, and become physical immune.
===Hit Point Regeneration===
All monsters regenerate their hit points at varying rates. Bosses do so faster than regular monsters, and the rate increases with the difficulty level. Poison damage (easily added to physical damage from charms) and "Prevent Monster Heal" items will stop hit point regeneration entirely.
===Difficult Level Changes===
Monsters grow much more difficult on the Nightmare and Hell difficulty levels.
* Boss monsters gain two random [[Monster Modifiers]].
==Other Monster Information==
See the [[:category:monsters|Monsters Category]] for links to the individual pages of every monster in the game.