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3,436 bytes added, 03:02, 27 January 2011
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Hellfire is an expansion pack for ''Diablo''. Hellfire is an add-on, not a full new game, and once Hellfire is installed the Diablo CD must be in your cd-rom drive to play. This wiki contains full information for Diablo I and Hellfire. See the [[D1 Diablo Game|Diablo I Main Page]] for a directory structure.
Though Hellfire was an official game release by Blizzard, the plot and events in the game are considered non-canon by the Diablo III developers.
==Hellfire Features==
Hellfire adds one character class, the [[D1 Monk|Monk]], two new dungeon areas the [[Diablo Levels#The Hive|Hive]] and the [[Diablo Levels#The Crypt|Crypt]], a few new [[D1 Shrines#Hellfire|shrines]], some new item [[D1 Modifiers|prefixes]] and [[D1 Modifiers|suffixes]], a few new uniques (mostly [[D1 Unique Jewelry|jewelry]]), and new specialty items including [[D1_Hellfire_Oils|oils]] and [[D1_Hellfire_Runes|runes]]. Other improvements and enhancements include numerous bug fixes, the ability to move at a double-speed walk while in town, and the option to select Nightmare and Hell difficulty levels in single player. [[D1 NPCs#Griswold the Blacksmith|Griswold]] sells more items than he did in Diablo, and he will attempt to offer you higher quality items than you currently possess, making it possible to buy very high quality gear. A few new spells are added, and every spell can be learned by reading books, including [[D1 Spellbooks#Apocalypse|Apocalypse]], which could only be used from scrolls and staff charges in Diablo.
===Undocumented Features===
There are several undocumented features in Hellfire. While the product works with single player or multiplayer in v1.00, the official v1.01 patch removes multiplayer capability. It's easy to unlock the multiplayer capability (Hellfire can not be played over, but works nicely with a LAN or TCP/IP) though, and there are additional features available as well. There are also two additional characters to choose from; the [[D1 Barbarian|Barbarian]] (who uses the [[D1 Warrior|Warrior]]'s graphics) and the [[D1 Bard|Bard]] (who uses the [[D1 Rogue|Rogue]]'s graphics). A couple of additional quests can be enabled as well, and [[Na-Krul]] can be given a humorous bonus speech. Finally, it's possible to lock the color palette in the Hive to always be consistent rather than chosen at random as most palettes are.
====Unlocking the Undocumented Features====
# Extract hellfrui.dll and command.txt to your hellfire folder (C:/sierra/hellfire by default). Hellfrui.dll will overwrite the existing version of the file.
# That's it. The [[D1 Bard|Bard]], [[D1 Barbarian|Barbarian]], the [[Celia%27s_Theodore|Theo quest]], [[The_Jersey%27s_Jersey|Cow quest]], and multiplayer are now enabled.
=====Command.txt Editing=====
* multitest -- Enables multiplayer. (You'll need to change another file as well, in Hellfire v1.01. [[Hellfire#Unlocking_the_Undocumented_Features|See above]].)
* nestart -- Enables a different palette for the Hive. Try the game with and without this option to see the fairly slight difference.
==Hellfire is Non-Canon===
The Diablo III developers do not consider Hellfire to be part of the Diablo III storyline, and the Monk character is not acknowledged as a forerunner of the {{Monk|Diablo III Monk}}. Diablo 3 community manager [[Bashiok]] replied to a forum comment about the Hellfire Monk in November 2009: []
::''However they announce the Monk... He’s from Diablo Hellfire, while technically not a Diablo 2 character (and I think Hellfire was someone else’s project) hes still known in the Diablo universe. So why did blizzard tell us no more old classes then throw us a curve ball in the Monk?
::'''Bashiok:''' It’s not a recognized part of the Diablo franchise, and to be honest it is so much so not recognized, that when people asked about returning classes in the Q&A’s and in some of the press interviews the Hellfire expansion just wasn’t in anyone’s minds.
::Plus, it isn’t the same class. We aren’t taking an old class and updating it. The monk from Hellfire, and in fact the story and content of Hellfire, doesn’t exist as far as game lore and story is concerned going into Diablo III.
::They happen to share a name, the same as all of the other monk classes that have existed in all other RPG’s since the beginning of time. It doesn’t mean they’re related kit/story/flavor wise.
This point was also confirmed at Blizzcon 2009, by D3 developers Julian Love and Kevin Martens. []
::''GamePlanetNZ: Diablo: Hellfire (the 1997 expansion by Synergistic Software) was obviously not a Blizzard game, but I have to ask about the Monk, because it appeared in Hellfire - did you guys look at Hellfire and draw any kind of inspiration from what they did with the Monk in that?''
::'''Julian Love:''' We can't really talk about non-Blizzard games usually...
::''GP: So it's no relation at all?''
::'''Kevin Martens:''' No, the monk is much more inspired by... - it's a pretty disparate group of influences, but for example on the gameplay side a pen-and-paper monk from D&D (Dungeons & Dragons), it's kinda like that for the early inspiration. And obviously kung fu movies, Jackie Chan all that sort of stuff, Once Upon a Time in China, many, many things from there. He's a got a bit of that Eastern European monastic thing, as far as cultural development goes.
::There's the fighting game mechanic, his combo system. So the way we try to do it is we take something that's archetypal - in this case, a fast but weaker melee character - but we try to put twists on it, with the culture, with the moves, with every aspect of this we can, we try to give it something fresh and interesting. So if we're going to introduce a new class, you know, it's not just the "assassin" by another name, it has some similarities to that but there's enough different about it that he not only plays differently but he feels different, and looks and fits into the world differently as well. We have't met anyone from his part of the world in the game before, so he's actually expanding the universe and the story as well.