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65 bytes added, 12:42, 16 October 2011
'''Before Rescue'''
:''Hero. Nihlathak did this to me! '':''If you've come to help me, my only hope lies with Malah. '':''Please...Tell her you've found me...''
'''After Rescue'''
:''Thank you, hero, for rescuing me. '':''To show my personal gratitude, I give you this. I had it custom-made for you by Larzuk.''
:''Nihlathak is a traitor! If Baal gets the Relic, he shall enter the mountain and wreak havoc there! '':''I cannot believe that Nihlathak would give the Relic to Baal in any kind of trade. He's truly insane if he believes that he can deal with the Lord of Destruction.''
:''You have stopped Nihlathak, but he didn't have the Relic! He must have already given it to Baal. Now, Baal will not be tested when he reaches Arreat's summit. '':''...Damn Nihlathak! '':''I do thank you for trying, though. Please, allow me to honor your courage by magically inscribing your name onto an item of your choosing. It's the least I can do.''
===[[Rite of Passage]]===
'''After Activation'''
:''You wouldn't have to test yourself against the Ancients if it weren't for Nihlathak's treachery. He was a fool and deserves to suffer for eternity.''
:''Look. I must apologize. '':''I feel responsible for your current struggle. If I had only stopped Nihlathak from giving Baal the Relic, you would not have to fight those ghosts.''