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1,435 bytes added, 13:13, 4 June 2008
After Completion
I'm sorry things didn't turn out as you had hoped. Go and remember us fondly. You know, you bothered me far less than most.
Potions are delicate mixtures. They're just as liable to go off in your face as anything.
Ah� The sweetest desert flower - that's Atma. Even my strongest brew can't bring back her family, though.
There are some ancient enchanted fountains in the desert that can heal your wounds - if you drink enough from them.
Oh. Deafness has its advantages, you know. I'm no longer forced to overhear the tedious gossip of others.
I never patronized the brothels, mind you. But since those ladies took up hiding in the palace, there certainly has been less scenery to feast my eyes on.
Oh� I have great faith in Greiz. He seems to have things well in hand.
I've traded my potions to Warriv many times. Yes. They seem to fetch a good price in the western lands.
I've sold many sea-sickness potions to Meshif over the years. It seems that many of his passengers don't take well to the rocking of his ship on the open seas.
Oh� Young Jerhyn used to purchase minor love potions from me, hoping to win the favors of the harem girls. But now that the girls have taken up residence in the palace, he doesn't come around here anymore. Well, well� I've always said, 'alchemy is no substitute for experience'.
Drognan? Oh.. He's a good friend of mine. I help him find exotic spell components and alchemical books from time to time. I think he used to be a sorcerer of great renown, but he doesn't like to talk about his past.
[[Category:Lut Gholein]]