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7 bytes added, 09:40, 13 February 2009
Survival Tips
==Survival Tips==
Dying by accident is the most aggravating way to go. Every hardcore player can tell stories about characters lost for the stupidest reasons, and laugh about them... eventually. Dropping a level 85 character since you didn't want to "waste" a full rejuvenation potion when you still had 75% of your hit points is a very painful way to learn, but when hardcore, it's wise to always keep your hit points as high as possible.
Even though most hardcore characters will never dip below 500, and will seldom be in danger, the one time disaster strikes, thanks to lag, a Might, Extra Strong, Extra Fast boss pack, several Stygian Dolls in a cluster, Iron Maiden from out of nowhere, or anything else, those extra few hundred, or even few dozen, hit points can make all the difference.
Hardcore players tend to be more meticulous and painstaking and precise, and if the prospect of adding up your total stats every time you find a new item, knowing where the break points are for your faster hit recovery, making sure that even your poison resistance is at a reasonable level, fills you with dread, then hardcore might not be for you.
=The Hardcore Graveyard=