From Diablo Wiki
* Lidless - Lidless Wall Exceptional Unique Grim Shield
* Lightsabre - Lightsabre Elite Unique Phase Blade
* lit - Leg in town. [[Wirt's leg]] has been retrieved and is in town, available for any character who can use it to create a red portal to the [[secret cow level]].
* LK - Lower Kurast. Good for gems/skillers and runes.
* LL - Life Leech.
* LL - The [http://www.lurkerlounge.com Lurker Lounge]. A website dedicated to Diablo statistics, game-mechanics and in-depth analysis.* LLD - Low level dueling. Dueling characters at a pre-set level to limit their equipment choices and skill options. Common levels are 9, 18, and 30.
* LM - Lightning Mastery. Sorceress Lightning Tree skill.
* lmao - laughing my rear off