This chart is designed to show where the best experience can be gained. The limitations of this chart are how fast you can kill monsters, amount of monsters in a level, and random bosses.
<br>Some symboles will be use in the charts.
<br>* means there is some thing in that area that skews the value on the chart.
<br>~ means a value has been rounded
== Act One Normal ==
<br>BMoor= Blood Moor
<br>DoE= Den of Evil
<br>CP= Cold Plains
<br>BG= Buriel Grounds
<br>C/M= The Crypt/Mausoleum
<br>SF = Stoney Field
<br>*Trist= Tristram, Skewed data because of the many random bosses in the area.
<br>UGP= Underground Passage
<br>DW= Dark Woods
<br>BM= Black Marsh, Skewed data because of the blood hawk nests.
<br>Hole= The Hole
<br>*FT= Forgotten Tower, Skewed data because of the many random bosses in the area.
<br>TH/MG= Tamoe Highland/Monistary Gate
<br>Pit= The Pit
<br>OC= Outer Cloister
<br>B= Barracks
<br>Jail= Jail
<br>C/IC= Cathedral/Inner Cloiser
<br>Cata= Catacombs