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No change in size, 04:28, 6 June 2009
You can socket a normal ethereal item, and it will remain ethereal, and gain sockets just as a non-ethereal item would.
In Diablo 2 version 1.11 and 1.11b, there is a bug regarding the socketing of ethereal armors and shields. Ethereal armors and shields are assigned a 50% bonus to their base defense rating when dropped. This is normal. What is not normal is the fact that when sockets are added to an ethereal armor or shield using the Horadric Cube, that ethereal defense bonus is applied again. The result is an armor or shield with an absolutely impossible defense rating. Enhanced defense modifiers are then added to that base defense rating, so the difference in end defense is rather huge. An ethereal Sacred Rondache shield socketed this was way and the having the Rune word Exile installed can have a defense in excess of 1000. And because of the self-repair mod on Exile, it will not break.
This bug appeared as a side-effect when the 1.10 ethereal armor upgrade bug was fixed. In order to fix that bug, a defense bonus of 50% was simply crammed into the ethereal unique armor upgrade formula. Unfortunately that fix also affected the ethereal armor socketing formula, making armors now gain a second defense bonus when socketed.
