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Guide: Diablo Clone Hunting v1.10, by Camintoi

11 bytes added, 16:07, 10 June 2009
How to find DC
So how do you get him to spawn? Well it has to do with Stone of Jordan’s or SOJS. The times he spawns aren’t random as some think. DC spawns in CERTAIN servers only when 75-150 SOJS are sold on THAT SPECIFIC SERVER. Some argue the SOJ range is more or less than that, but for our purposes let’s just say he spawns between 75-150. So if 75-150 SOJS are sold on server .45 then ALL games in .45 spawn DC. One thing to note is that most players cooperate and sell SOJS on specific servers to create DC to get the Anni charm, so the selling of SOJS isn’t as random as you might think.
Now how do you find a game on a certain server and know which server your on? Well here’s the tough part. You have to keep creating games until you land a game in a specific server. So one time if I create a game I might be in server .45, then the next game I might be in .86 and I keep doing this until I get the desired server. To find out which server your on, there are two ways to do this. First way is go the start menu at the bottom tool bar of you computer and click on the application Run… A little box should pop up and you type in cmd. Now a black screen should pop in. To check what server your on you must be in a game. Now type in the black screen [netstat –n| find "4000"] without the [ ]. A bunch of numbers should pop up and one should read .:4000 at the VERY END. The number BEFORE this number is your server number. So if the numbers read that means your in server 45. So you basically keep creating and checking with [netstat –n] to find a desired server.
The second way to do this is to download a program on mIRC (I will explain what mIRC is shortly) which tells you which server your on when you run Diablo. It should indicate at the very top of your Diablo window where the blue bar is. This isn’t a hack, just a more convenient way of seeing which server your in. It saves loads of time because you don’t have to keep typing in netstat –n all the time.