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Oak Sage

32 bytes removed, 00:28, 23 October 2009
Oak Sage: template applied
'''Prerequisites:''' None<br />
'''Details:''' The Oak Sage spirit floats around, radiating a hit point enhancing aura that affects the [[Druid]] and all characters and minions in his party. Spirits are living things, and if killed their enhancing aura vanishes. A wise Druid will keep a close eye on the hit points of his spirit, and recast it when necessary. Unexpectedly losing half your hit points can be quite dangerous, and spirits are not very good at staying out of harm's way.
{| ! Level! 1! 2! 3! 4! 5! 6! 7! 8! 9! 10! 11! 12! 13! 14! 15! 16! 17! 18! 19! 20|-{Skill Progression| header=Mana Cost
| 15
| 16
| 33
| 34
|-| header2=Life
| 60
| 78
| 384
| 402
|-| header3=Life +X%| 30%| 35%| 40%| 45%| 50%| 55%| 60%| 65%| 70%| 75%| 80%| 85%| 90%| 95%| 100%| 105%| 110%| 115%| 120%| 125%|-| header4=Radius X Yards<small>(yards)</small>
| 20
| 21.3
| 44
| 45.3
<noinclude>{{Skill navbox}}