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===Blood Star===
A projectile spell most commonly seen being cast by Witches. Each Blood Star moves relatively slowly and in a straight line. There is no splash damage. This Blood Star is the only viable, magic-type skill to kill targets at a distance, but the fact that it does so much less damage than comparable fire or lightning spells means it is very seldom used, except in special circumstances. (There In Diablo, there are no monsters who are immune to Fire and Lightning in but not Magic in Diablo. There , however there are a few such enemies in Hellfire.). It Bloodstar could in theory be useful, in combination with [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/D1_Spellbooks#Bone_Spirit| Bone Spirit] to kill fire- and lightning-resistant monsters in Hellfire. However (, with Bone spirit Spirit to weaken the target, and Blood Star to finish it). However, brute force often proves a more efficient follow-up to Bone Spirit (, either directly, through using a [http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/D1_Spellbooks#Golem| Golem], or using a bow).
Blood Star has a special extra cost to cast; draining 5 life along with the mana cost. When cast with a Mana Shield active, it costs 5 extra mana. This cost is applied even if it's cast from charges.