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Cain the Elder

381 bytes added, 06:53, 12 July 2011
The Curse of King Leoric
====The Curse of King Leoric====
Ahh, the story of our king, is it? The tragic fall of Leoric was a harsh blow to this land. The people always loved the king, and now they live in mortal fear of him. The question that I keep asking myself is how he could have fallen so far from the light, as Leoric had always been the holiest of men. Only the vilest powers of hell could so utterly destroy a man from within...
====The Magic Rock====
Griswold speaks of the Heaven Stone that was destined for the enclave located in the east. It was being taken there for further study. This stone glowed with an energy that somehow granted vision beyond that which a normal man could possess. I do not know what secrets it holds, my friend, but finding it would certainly prove most valuable.