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1 byte added, 07:23, 14 September 2011
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'''Snotspill''' is a [[SuperUniqueSuper Unique]] [[Fallen One]] in [[Diablo I]]. Specifically, he is a 'Dark One'. He is one of the two NPCs in the game who can give the player the quest [[Ogden's Sign]] (the other being [[D1_NPCs#Ogden_the_Innkeeper|Ogden]] himself). If this quest is included in the player's game, then he, along with his minions who are hidden behind a wall, will spawn in a room which blocks the stairs down to Level 5, the [[Catacombs]].
It is presumed that Snotspill and his minions stole Ogden's Sign one night and retreated into the labyrinth shortly before the start of the game and somewhere along the way lost it to "big uglies". Snotspill will ask the player to retrieve the "magic banner" from the "big uglies", which turn out to be a pack of [[Overlord|Overlords]] in an adjacent room, under the treat of an attack. Snotspill believes that the sign possesses magical qualities.