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160 bytes added, 16:18, 15 October 2011
Act Three Dialogues
'''After Activation'''
:''There is only one way to the Temple City. You will have to cross many rivers and streams, but you'll find it. A great tower stands at its center. ''
'''AlternateAfter Activation (Lam Esen's Tome quest wasn't completed)''':''' It has been said that Ormus speaks most clearly when his ideas are utterly mad. ''
:''Within the Temple City is a courtyard. The Council resides there. ''
'''Alternate:Return (Lam Esen's Tome quest wasn't completed)'''
:''I have heard rumors that the Prime Evils are here seeking their Brother.''
:''It seems the jungle is already dying back. You've broken the curse, my friend! May the Light bless you!''
'''After Activation'''
:''Be careful when you return to the Tower. Though many of the followers of Zakarum have fled, there's no telling what horrors still lurk inside it. ''
'''AlternateAfter Activation (Lam Esen's Tome quest wasn't completed)''':''' Move quickly, my friend, and end this curse once and for all! ''
Ahh… :''Ahh... Now, Kurast can begin the task of rekindling its former glory… glory... I thank you. ''