Qual-Kehk is useless:''The demon hordes have grown powerful beyond measure, aided by our foolish mistakes. He has blindly sent our warriors But I may have found a way to their deaths, assuming Baal's legions would fight as men docorrect those mistakes.. Of course, everyone knows they do not.''
The demon hordes have grown powerful beyond measure:''Oh yes...I remember our warriors as children. Malah would set their broken bones and give them powders for their fevers. Now, aided by our foolish mistakesthey return to her with wounds that will never heal. But '':''I may have found a way to correct those mistakesam tired...Please...leave me.''
Oh yes...I remember our warriors as children. Malah would set their broken bones and give them powders :''If you have nothing useful for their fevers. Nowme, they return to her with wounds that will never heal. I am tired...Please...leave me.be on your way!''
If you :''Anya's father was my good friend. There are so many to mourn...I have nothing useful no time for me, be on your wayyou!''
Anya:'s father was 'I have long been criticized, but especially of late -- since the deaths of my good friend. There are so many to mourn..fellow Elders.Through it all, I have learned one thing. Each man must do what's right, no time for you!matter what others may think.''
I have long been criticized, but especially :''The Council of late -- since Elders always believed itself prepared for the deaths coming of my fellow Eldersthe Three. Through it allObviously, I have learned one thingwe were not prepared enough. Each man must do what's right, no matter what others may think.'
The Council of Elders always believed itself prepared for the coming of the Three'''About [[Qual-Kehk]]''':''Qual-Kehk is useless. ObviouslyHe has blindly sent our warriors to their deaths, we were assuming Baal's legions would fight as men do. Of course, everyone knows they do not prepared enough.''
'''Assassin only'''
:''If you're looking for cases of treacherous magic, Assassin, take a hard look at Larzuk. He was the only one in town who escaped the Red Fever last spring. He claimed his good fortune was due to 'hand washing' before meals.'':''Hmmm...Very suspicious...''
'''Necromancer only'''
:''Why would you seek this place, stranger? Are you a vulture come to loot the bodies of our fallen warriors? '':''Regardless, this is no place to make a name for yourself. The mountain is ours to protect. It is only a matter of time before Hell's legions are routed.''