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5 bytes added, 16:22, 13 March 2012
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Circlets are only found in the Expansion. They are headgear, but have a lot of differences from all other types of helms in the game.
Circlets have no in-game graphic. When wearing one your character looks to be bare-headed, which is nice for a welcome change, for some players; some characters look nice without a hat on, the such as Sorceress and Amazon with their long hair, for example. Also , not having to do a whole new item graphic was no doubt fine with the Blizzard North artists. ;)
Circlets main attraction is their ability to have far more and better mods than any other type of headgear. Virtually every mod that can be found on Amulets can be found on circlets, such as +1 and +2 to a character's skills, +1-3 to all skill trees, all sorts of resistance including Prismatic, and tons of charges of skills. You can also get weapon modifiers on circlets, with bonuses to max and minimum damage, as well as +% damage, Attack Rating, mana and life leech, and much more.