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493 bytes removed, 17:18, 5 February 2008
With the Assassin, Blizzard North are aiming at a mix of the Sorceress's projectile attacks with the Barbarian's melee attacks, the Traps allowing her to be more tactical when dealing with larger groups of monsters at once where the Barbarian can't. A fighter-mage combination, though she lacks the massive destructive powers of a Barbarian with Whirlwind her Martial Arts tree allows her to be a formidable hand to hand fighter.
<blockquote>The Assassins are an ancient order originally founded by the Vizjerei to hunt down and eliminate rogue mages within their own ranks. Employing secret disciplines to combat and resist the magical abilities of their elusive quarry, the Assassin's bag of tricks includes traps and other infernal devices, martial arts, and powerful mental abilities. Common people know nothing of the Assassins, but they are widely feared and respected by all who employ the magic arts.</blockquote>
'''Starting Attributes'''<br>