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6,945 bytes added, 14:08, 12 March 2008
Act Five SuperUniques
'''Special Attributes: '''Cold Enchanted<br>
'''Found in: '''The Bloody Foothills<br>
'''Quests:''' x Not associated with any quest. <br>'''Comments:''' Doc Farren and his Imp pack are found in a narrow stretch midway through the Bloody Foothills. Prior to v1.10 and the reorganization of the static monster layout of Act Five, Dac's was the only boss pack in the entire level, not including Shenk' sminion mob.
'''Special Attributes: '''Extra Strong<br>
'''Found in: '''The Bloody Foothills<br>
'''Quests:''' x Kill Shenk to complete the [[Quests_Act_Five#Quest_One:_Stop_the_Seige|Stop the Siege quest]]. <br>'''Comments:''' Shenk spawns amidst a huge mob of minions, and is a tempting item run and experience target, sitting as near as he does to the Frigid Highlands waypoint. Since MSLE was nerfed in v1.10, he is not a threat to any but the most underpowered characters. Shenk' scorpse can not be touched by any corpse skill, including Find Item. Shenk gets his name from Phil Shenk, one of the lead artists on Diablo II.
'''Special Attributes: '''Extra Fast<br>
'''Found in: '''Frigid Highlands<br>
'''Quests:''' x Not part of any quest. <br>'''Comments:''' sEldritch is an easy and quick kill, and is popular with item running characters. 
 ==Thresh SocketSharptooth Slayer==[[Image:Mon-thresh01sharptooth01.jpg|frame]]'''Type:''' Blood BringerOverlord<br>'''Special Attributes: '''CursedExtra Fast<br>'''Found in: '''Arreat PlateauFrigid Highlands<br>'''Quests:''' x Not part of any quest. <br>'''Comments:''' sSharptooth Slayer is a lasher boss found in the first fortified walls area of the Frigid Highlands, often quite near the first pen of captured Barbarians. He spawns with several minions, who are quite noticeable for their Extra Fast footspeed.
'''Special Attributes: '''Extra Fast, Extra Strong<br>
'''Found in: '''Frigid Highlands<br>
'''Quests:''' x Not part of any quest. <br>'''Comments:''' sEyeback is found at the very end of Frigid Highlands, where the pathway narrows to enter the Arreat Plateau.  ==Thresh Socket==[[Image:Mon-thresh01.jpg|frame]]'''Type:''' Blood Bringer<br>'''Special Attributes: '''Cursed<br>'''Found in: '''Arreat Plateau<br>'''Quests:''' Not part of any quest. <br>'''Comments:''' Prior to v1.10, Thresh was found randomly located in the Frigid Highlands. After v1.10, he is found guarding the tunnel from the Arreat Plateau into the Crystalline Passage. Imps will sometimes mount up on Thresh and add their Inferno attack to the adventure.
==Sharptooth Slayer==
'''Type:''' Overlord<br>
'''Special Attributes: '''Extra Fast<br>
'''Found in: '''Frigid Highlands<br>
'''Quests:''' x <br>
'''Comments:''' s
'''Special Attributes: '''Cold Enchanted, Mana Burn<br>
'''Found in: '''Frozen River<br>
'''Quests:''' x Frozenstein is not part of any quest, but he is found very near the frozen Anya, and it's hard not to kill him while completing the [[Quests_Act_Five#Quest_Three:_Prison_of_Ice|Prison of Ice quest]]. <br>'''Comments:''' Frozenstein and his minions usually block the narrow bridge over the the island upon which Anya is imprisoned. The mob of Yeti can be difficult to deal with if they spawn with Extra Fast, to add to the inherent quick attack rate. It' sbest to use the various bridges in the area to force the pack to come at you one or two at a time.
'''Special Attributes: '''Extra Strong, Magic Resistant<br>
'''Found in: '''Glacial Trail<br>
'''Quests:''' x Not part of any quest. <br>'''Comments:''' Bonesaw spawns in a special, stage-like area in the Glacial Trail, right beside a golden chest. It' sworth the detour to kill this SuperUnique and open the super chest, if you are exploring the level.
'''Special Attributes: '''Cursed, Cold Enchanted<br>
'''Found in: '''Icy Cellar<br>
'''Quests:''' x Not part of any quest. <br>'''Comments:''' sSnapchip always spawns near the golden chest in the Icy Cellar dungeon level, below the Glacial Trail. Like all Frozen Creepers, he shatters upon death, so Find Item can not be used on him.
'''Special Attributes: '''Fire Enchanted<br>
'''Found in: '''Nihlathak's Temple<br>
'''Quests:''' x Not part of any quest. <br>'''Comments:''' sPindleskin and his minions always appear in the narrow temple leading to the entrance to the Halls of Anguish. Pindleskin is one of the most popular "item run" monsters in the game, for his easy access and the fact that he can drop from the highest treasure class in the game. Pindleskin, along with all Defiled Warriors, got a substantially boost to the accuracy and damage of their charge attack in v1.10, this made him potentially dangerous for characters with under 1000 hit points, especially when cursed.
'''Found in: '''Halls of Vaught<br>
'''Quests:''' Nihlathak must be slain to complete the [[Quests_Act_Five#Quest_Four:_Betrayal_of_Harrogath|Betrayal of Harrogath quest]].<br>
'''Comments:''' Nihlathak is one of the more dangerous SuperUniques in the game, thanks to his ability to cast the Necromancer skill, Corpse Explosion. See [[Nihlathak]]' spage for full details and stats.
'''Special Attributes: '''Whirlwind<br>
'''Found in: '''The Arreat Summit<br>
Additional Information Click here for more information on Talic.'''Quests:''' x Talic, Madawc, and Korlic must be killed to complete the [[Quests_Act_Five#Quest_Five:_Rite_of_Passage|Rite of Passage quest]]. <br>'''Comments:''' sRead about [[Talic]] and see his full stats and lore on his page.
'''Special Attributes:''' Shout, Double Throw<br>
'''Found in: '''The Arreat Summit<br>
Additional Information Click here for more information on Madawc.'''Quests:''' x Talic, Madawc, and Korlic must be killed to complete the [[Quests_Act_Five#Quest_Five:_Rite_of_Passage|Rite of Passage quest]]. <br>'''Comments:''' sRead about [[Madawc]] and see his full stats and lore on his page.
'''Special Attributes: '''Leap Attack<br>
'''Found in: '''The Arreat Summit<br>
Additional Information Click here for more information on Korlic.'''Quests:''' x Talic, Madawc, and Korlic must be killed to complete the [[Quests_Act_Five#Quest_Five:_Rite_of_Passage|Rite of Passage quest]]. <br>'''Comments:''' sRead about [[Korlic]] and see his full stats and lore on his page.
'''Special Attributes: '''Fire Enchanted<br>
'''Found in: '''Throne of Destruction<br>
'''Quests:''' x Colenzo and his entire pack must be killed before Baal will summon up the next bunch of monsters. All the packs must be destroyed to continue on your way to completing the [[Quests_Act_Five#Quest_Six:_Eve_of_Destruction|Eve of Destruction quest]]. <br>'''Comments:''' Prior to v1.10, Colenzo spawned with a mob of shamans. In v1.10 and later he spawns with regular foot soldier Fallen, who are quickly dispatched with. Colenzo can spawn with MSLE on Hell, but after v1.10 that combination of modifiers is no longer dangerous enough to take precautions to avoid. Colenzo represents Act One, in Baal' ssequential run of Act-themed monster packs.
==Achmel the Cursed==
'''Special Attributes: '''Immune to Poison<br>
'''Found in: '''Throne of Destruction<br>
'''Quests:''' x Achmel and his entire pack must be killed before Baal will summon up the next bunch of monsters. All the packs must be destroyed to continue on your way to completing the [[Quests_Act_Five#Quest_Six:_Eve_of_Destruction|Eve of Destruction quest]]. <br>'''Comments:''' Achmel is one of the few shaman bosses who still spawns with a pack of Shamans, rather than just foot soldiers. Achmel can spawn with MSLE on Hell, but after v1.10 that combination of modifiers is no longer dangerous enough to take precautions to avoid. Achmel represents Act Two, in Baal' ssequential run of Act-themed monster packs.
==Bartuc the Bloody==
'''Special Attributes: '''Lightning Enchanted<br>
'''Found in: '''Throne of Destruction<br>
'''Quests:''' x Bartuc and his entire pack must be killed before Baal will summon up the next bunch of monsters. All the packs must be destroyed to continue on your way to completing the [[Quests_Act_Five#Quest_Six:_Eve_of_Destruction|Eve of Destruction quest]]. <br>'''Comments:''' Bartuc spawns with a pack of High Council minions. They do not drop like Champions, as the High Council minions do in Act Three. They can, however, cast Hydras. Bartuc can spawn with MSLE on Nightmare and Hell, but after v1.10 that combination of modifiers is no longer dangerous enough to take precautions to avoid. Bartuc represents Act Three, in Baal' ssequential run of Act-themed monster packs.
'''Special Attributes: '''Extra Fast<br>
'''Found in: '''Throne of Destruction<br>
'''Quests:''' x Ventar and his entire pack must be killed before Baal will summon up the next bunch of monsters. All the packs must be destroyed to continue on your way to completing the [[Quests_Act_Five#Quest_Six:_Eve_of_Destruction|Eve of Destruction quest]]. <br>'''Comments:''' Ventar can spawn with MSLE on Hell, but after v1.10 that combination of modifiers is no longer dangerous enough to take precautions to avoid. Ventar represents Act Four, in Baal' ssequential run of Act-themed monster packs.
==Lister the Tormentor==
'''Special Attributes: '''Spectral Hit<br>
'''Found in: '''Throne of Destruction<br>
'''Quests:''' x Lister and his entire pack must be killed before Baal will summon up the next bunch of monsters. All the packs must be destroyed to continue on your way to completing the [[Quests_Act_Five#Quest_Six:_Eve_of_Destruction|Eve of Destruction quest]]. <br>'''Comments:''' Minions of Destruction are a special, dragon-like type of monster found nowhere else in the game. Lister can not spawn with MSLE; the only one of Baal's five monster packs who can not. He's quite dangerous anyway, with the fast attack rate of his monster type, and quite high damage. Lister with Cursed, or Extra Strong, or Might, is quite dangerous. Give him two of those, and you're really in trouble. Lister represents Act Five, in Baal' ssequential run of Act-themed monster packs.
'''Type:''' Act Boss<br>
'''Found in:''' Worldstone Chamber<br>
Additional Information Click here for more information on Baal.'''Quests:''' x Baal must be killed to complete the [[Quests_Act_Five#Quest_Six:_Eve_of_Destruction|Eve of Destruction quest]]. <br>'''Comments:''' sBaal is the final monster in D2X, but seldom the most difficult. Many players find him to be somewhat easier than his minions were, though he has enough spells and hit points to offer a challenge to most players. More info on his spells, tactics, and his full stats can [[Baal|be seen here]].
=Special Area SuperUniques=