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1,054 bytes added, 14:06, 13 March 2008
Multiplayer Changes
In patch v1.10 and later, experience and hit points are calculated by the same formula:
* Hit Points/Experience = X * (n + 1) / 2
This results in the following values.
{| style="text-align:center"
This command works only for single player characters (whether played solo, or in TCP/IP or open games). Simply type in "/players x" where the x = the number of players you wish the game to simulate. Players who wish a greater challenge and bigger rewards can use this command to increase monster hit points and experience gains. As of v1.11 players 1-8 are valid options, and the setting can be increased or decreased at any time during the game. Values will not change for monsters once they've spawned.
Players X also affects the quantity of items dropped by chests, and the # of players check is made when the chests are opened. It's possible to clear areas on Players 1, then turn it up to players 8 to open chests, but this tactic is considered cheesy and is scorned by legit players.
=Monster Level vs and Player LevelMonsters that are a higher level than your Character have an easier time hitting you and you will have a harder time hitting them. You will have an easier time hitting monsters that are a lower level than you, and they will have a harder time hitting you.Levels=
Monster levels are listed on the various monster pages. Their levels are used in many calculations, too many to list here. Some quick facts: * Experience is best gained from monsters near the level of your character.** Monsters within 5 levels, higher or lower, give 100% of the possible experience.** Monsters between 6-10 levels higher or lower than a character award an amount that grows less with each level.** Monsters more than 10 levels above or below a character's level are worth 5% of their experience.* To/hit calculations are affected by mlvls vs. clvls (on top of attack rating, defense, skill bonuses, and so forth).** Players with levels higher than those of the monster gain a bonus to/hit.** Players with levels lower than those of the monster suffer a penalty to/hit.  =Monsters Spells= Monster spells always hit . Monster projectiles (arrows, spikes, blow darts, etc) have the same sort of to/hit check as do magic melee attacks. Some monster projectiles (non-arrow/non-javelinSpear Cat javelins) ranged attackswill never hit mercs or other player minions. This can be dangerous to a player standing behind the battle. Monster spell levels and damages are complicated to calculate, but some of these values can be seen on the various monster pages.
Can you list Monsters Spells, Spell Levels, and Damage?
Details on the damages are very hard to get so we will probably not be listing this information.
Monster Type