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488 bytes added, 03:20, 11 April 2008
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These floating, semi-ethereal monsters are widely dreaded for their potent lightning bolt attack. Willowisps are transparent, and can be hard to see when they move between attacks. Though they have a mana draining melee attack, it's best to take them on at close range, since their lightning bolts do much more damage and are not used in close.
Willowisps were extremely dangerous in v1.10, since an error in the programming made their lightning bolts hit many times at once. <blockquote>Chain Lightning listed damage in Hell is 5-190. There is a bug where they deal their Melee Attack as part of their ranged attack, which is 42-108 and physical damage. Another hit is from a new missile bonus, and based on Mlvl 83 for Act 5 Hell Wisps, it's 166-169 lightning damage. So each lightning attack a Willowisp uses deals 213-467 damage, 42-108 of which is physical. And you can get hit five times per bolt, if it all goes through you. That's 1065-2335.</blockquote>They're less deadly in v1.11, with that bug fixed.
* All values are listed by difficulty level: '''Normal / Nightmare / Hell.'''