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Barbarian Warcries

738 bytes added, 20:27, 18 April 2008
Error* Find Items details found under the Taunt heading
[[Image:taunt.jpg|left]]'''Required Level:''' 6<br />
'''Prerequisites''': Howl<br />
I believe a mistake in positioning occurred here. This section details "Find Item" not "Taunt"
Taunt is set up to get those pesky fleeing monsters to come to you. I don't know the details of levels but believe only one skill point is all that's needed. When you have a monster strike and flee, instead of chasing, use taunt and they will walk directly to you for killing. This works even on those monsters that strike and knock you back.
Please, someone with more knowledge, correct this entry and the one in the "Find Items" section I placed, also.
'''Details:''' "Target corpses to find hidden treasures". Operates like Find Heart but will harvest an item of some sort from a corpse. An extremely powerful skill, especially with good Magic Find on the Barbarian, and half a dozen or more points in this skill. Due to the sound it makes, this skill is often referred to as "Hork". Plus it's fun to say, "Pindleskin just horked up an Eaglehorn!"
* Find Item can not be used on monsters that shatter and leave no corpse.
* Once Find Potion has been used on a corpse, no other corpse skills will work on it, including Find Item or Corpse Explosion. Monster shamans will not be able to resurrect it either.
There are very good details for this under the "Taunt" heading placed there in error. Check above for that.
! Level