Giant Mosquitos are [[Animals]].
Giant Mosquitos are found only in Act Three. These flying insects are not very dangerous, but can be annoying with their stamina-draining attacks and poisonous stings. Enjoy the moment if you see a boss pack of them; it's a rare site.
Blood Wings Giant Mosquitos are one of among the rarest least commonly seen monsters in the game''Diablo II'', spawning only in a few areas of Act Three. '''Blood Wings '''are almost never seen , spawning only on the very tiny, treasure chest-filled level 2 two of the Sewerssewers. There are no Guest Monster giant mosquitos, so once you pass Act Three, below Kurastthey are never seen again. Enjoy the moment if you see a boss pack of them; it's a rare site.
* All values are listed by difficulty level: '''Normal / Nightmare / Hell.'''
** TC Champions and Bosses can sometimes drop from the next higher group.
** The max TC/Rune possible may depend on which level a monster spawns in, and can be lower than the maximum. See the item [[calculators]] to ascertain precisely what a monster from a given area can drop.
{| width="100%" style="text-align:center"
! Type
! Level
| 6
| 27/Ral, 57/Um, 87/Zod
! colspan="6" | Guest Monsters (Act Five, NM/Hell only)
| align="center" | --
| align="center" | --
| align="center" | --
| align="center" | --
| align="center" | --
| align="center" | --
All types of mosquitos can drain stamina. The damage done in this attack is removed directly from a character's stamina pool.* Mosquitos can sting, inflicting poison damage. {| width="100%" style="text-align:center"
! Type
! Melee Attack #1
| 90% chance of:<br /> 80-89 / 220-264 / 480-576
| '''Norm:''' 3-6 over 8s (.4-.8/sec)<br />'''Night:''' 13-16 over 8s (1.6-2/sec)<br />'''Hell:''' 25-28 over 8s (3.1-3.5/sec)
! colspan="6" | Guest Monsters (Act Five, NM/Hell only)
| align="center" | --
| align="center" | --
| align="center" | --
| align="center" | --
| align="center" | --
* Regen Rate tells what % of a monster's hit points are recovered per second. Standard is 1.2/sec.
* Blocking values are assigned to every monster in the game, but the ability is seldom enabled, so most monsters can not block (Hence the blocking % given on most ''Diablo II'' monster pages, including Blizzard's, is inaccurate.) When enabled, blocking tells what % of successful, blockable attacks will not damage the monster. Monsters need not carry a shield to block.
* Drain Effectiveness tells what % of a character's mana and life steal apply to that monster. 100 is all, 0 is none.
* Chill Effectiveness tells what % of a character's cold length applies to the monster. 100 is all, 0 is no freeze/chill at all.
{| width="100%" style="text-align:center"
! Type
! Defense
! Blocking
! Regen Rate
! Drain Effectiveness
! Chill Effectiveness
| '''Sucker'''
| 107 / 649 / 1468
| 21align="center" | --| align="center" | 1.2%
| 100 / 75 / 50
| 50 / 40 / 33
| '''Feeder'''
| 117 / 672 / 1518
| 23align="center" | --| align="center" | 1.2%
| 100 / 75 / 50
| 50 / 40 / 33
| '''Blood Wing'''
| 122 / 590 / 1332
| 25align="center" | --| align="center" | 1.2%
| 100 / 75 / 50
| 50 / 40 / 33
! colspan="6" | Guest Monsters (Act Five, NM/Hell only)
| align="center" | --
| align="center" | --
| align="center" | --
| align="center" | --
| align="center" | --
| align="center" | --
* Resistances over 99% are listed as immunities and monsters will take no damage from that type of attack.
* <font color="#FF0000ff0000">Immunities</font> can be "broken" by skills that lower resistance, if the value drops below 99%. See the [[Resistances#Immunities|Resistances]] page for more details.
{| width="100%" style="text-align:center"
! Type
! Physical
! Magic
! Fire
! Cold
! Lightning
! Poison
! Magic
| '''Sucker'''
| 0% / 0% / 0%
| 0% / 0% / 33%
| 0% / 0% / <font color="#FF0000ff0000">105%</font>
| '''Feeder'''
| 0% / 0% / 0%
| 0% / 0% / 33%
| 0% / 0% / <font color="#FF0000ff0000">110%</font>
| '''Blood Wing'''
| 0% / 0% / 0%
| 0% / 0% / 33%
| 0% / 0% / <font color="#FF0000ff0000">120%</font>|-! colspan="7" | Guest Monsters (Act Five, NM/Hell only)|-| align="center" | --| align="center" | --| align="center" | --| align="center" | --| align="center" | --| align="center" | --| align="center" | --|} =Locations= There are no Guest Monster giant mosquitos. Act Five is too cold for stagnant pools of water. * [[Guest Monsters]] are found only in Act Five, and only on Nightmare and Hell difficulty levels.* Monsters in areas marked "Boss Only" will only appear as random bosses or champions.* Monsters in areas marked "No Boss" will never appear as random bosses or champions. {| width="100%"! Type! Acts 1-4: Normal, Nightmare, and Hell|-| '''Sucker'''| '''Act 3: '''Spider Forest|-| '''Feeder'''| '''Act 3: '''Swampy Pit 3 (Normal only, boss only), Sewers 1|-| '''Blood Wing'''| '''Act 3: '''Sewers 2|-! colspan="2" | Guest Monsters (Act Five, NM/Hell only)|-| align="center" | --| align="center" | --
[[category:Guest Monsters]]