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488 bytes added, 19:10, 12 June 2008
Kashya has always been fiercely loyal, but I fear her anger and frustration over these recent events will lead her into harm’s way. She is highly protective of the few Rogues remaining under her command and will not send them into combat unless there is dire need.
===Sorceress-only Gossip===
The Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye has a long and distinguished history. Over the generations our Order has become a deadly fighting force as well as a bastion for women who sought to forge their own destiny. Yet beware, young one, the lure of power and knowledge can lead to disaster. I have seen ambition foul the bravest of hearts and recklessness dull hard-won wisdom. You would do well to tread lightly on the dark path you have chosen to explore.
[[category:rogue Encampment]]
Bronze Pal