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D3 Witch Doctor Skills

18 bytes added, 14:35, 30 June 2008
Horrify<br>'''Rank: ''' 3/5<br>A spectral mask that horrifies all enemiesin enemies in proximity, causing them to run in fear.<br>'''Mana cost: ''' 10<br>'''Radius: ''' 20<br>'''Fear duration: ''' 1-2 seconds.<br>'''Mask duration: ''' 5
This curse-like spell works like the Terror curse (or the barbarian's grim ward skill), but functions almost like an aura; causing any monster near the WD to flee in fright. Monsters in range are overcome with fright and immediately scatter, running away from the WD. The skill works by summoning a frightening spirit, which appears above the WD and screams and shakes its arms at the monsters. Presumably, any monsters that come into range while the horrify spirit is active are affected by it, essentially making the WD a moving object of terror. This limits the skill as well, since it can't be cast on individual targets, or cast a great distance from the WD.
The hover text for this one was seen in the WWI movie, and is reproduced to the right.
==Mass Confusion==