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Normal Act 3

1,478 bytes added, 16:49, 16 July 2008
Create Normal Act 3 page similar to existing Normal Act 2 page
(The information here is preliminary and needs confirmation.)

You have arrived at the jungle port of Kurast.

=Kurast Docks=
The items sold have an ilvl of ??? with a cap of ilvl ???. Only magic items are sold. (Socketed items are not sold here.)

He sells the best armor and weapons and repairs items.

The types of armor he sells are:<br>
Great Helm, Chain Mail, Breast Plate, Splint Mail, Plate Mail, Field Plate, Kite Shield, Tower Shield

The types of weapons he sells are:<br>
Military Pick, War Axe, Battle Axe, Great Axe, Giant Axe, War Hammer, Maul, Broad Sword, Long Sword, War Sword, Giant Sword, Bastard Sword, Flamberge, Blade, Scythe, Kris, Hatchet Hands, Claws, Blade Talons

He sells magical items and heals.

The types of armor he sells are:<br>
Mask, Bone Helm

The types of weapons he sells are:<br>
Yew Wand, Bone Wand, Grim Wand, Grand Scepter, War Scepter, Scythe, Crystal Sword, Long Staff, Gnarled Staff, Battle Staff.

She sells lower quality armor and weapons than Hratli.

The types of armor she sells are:<br>

The types of weapons she sells are:<br>

She will hire to you sorcerer mercenaries. The sorcerers can be equiped with ???.

He sells potions. He also provides gambling to characters.

==Other NPC's==
She offers vague advice.

===Deckard Cain===
He identifies items for you.

He can take you back to Act 2, but it is easier to use the way points.