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Diablo I Shrines

No change in size, 05:38, 4 August 2008
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All shrines, goat shrines, cauldrons, and the murky pool can only be used once, by whichever player clicks them first. (Some shrines effect all players in the game, or all players other than the one who clicked it.)
Unlike in [[Shrines|Diablo II shrines|Shrines]], several shrines in ''Diablo I'' and ''Hellfire ''will '''permanently damage your character''', or other characters. It is very unwise to click a shrine if you do not know what it does. Expert players '''never '''click goat shrines or cauldrons, since their random effect can be deleterious.
No shrines or pools of any type are found in the Hive or Crypt, the dungeons added in Hellfire.